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The Hybrid e-mail exchange

Hi Trio,
I had big trouble with my computer yesterday and lost all my past e-mails I've collected over the years.
Could you please send your last e-mails again. I got them but my system wasn't back up and running right and I lost them to.
It’s been two of the worse days I've had in a long time.
I lost all my contacts I've collected over the years so I have start from scratch and contact whoever I can.
Everything is back to normal now.
I got fireworks back and your cd. Send me your e-mails to me for the last two days again.

Wow! What happened, Lenny? I am sending emails now.
........................ Trio
Re: Another New painting
Hahaha! Yes, he does look happy. And wacky! Maybe he is wackily happy? or happily wacky? Haha! Another winner from Lenny.
Hey, remember I want to do a movie about an artist and use some of your pics? Got any ideas about a name for him and a brief description like a short bio or a photo of what he should look like. I was thinking maybe Adam Rifkin as a model for his appearance? But any idea will be appreciated. I have plenty of places that I could put an Adam Rifkin character. Maybe the artist that does your pics should be wilder looking. Don't ask me to use you for a model because I don't want to draw anybody I know. It cramps my style and I worry about what they will think.
............................ Trio
Hello, Lenny,
Well, I am sorry to hear about the loss. And you had just installed that CD burner! I guess you are wishing that you had backed up everything to CDs.
You can download my shorts from my Yahoo Group called IttyBittyMovies. I'll send you an invitation from the group so you can join. You don't have to go through the Yahoo ID process unless you want to. Just your email address will get you in. But a Yahoo ID is no problem. It's free and includes a free web page and a free email account. And you can click boxes to avoid being sent any spam, even from Yahoo. I have several Yahoo accounts and they work perfectly.
Well, I hope you get back to normal soon. And I really, really hope that the Dazzle adapter didn't cause your problem. Then I would feel like I contributed to the disaster!
............................ Trio

Hi Trio,
I did something wrong with my computer than screwed it up so much that I had to reinstall windows 98.Dave moved all my files on my d drive so I didn't lose that but he forgot to save me e-mails and I lost four years of contacts,all my e-mails I've saved from the beginning of my internet history.As you might have noticed my e-mails were my journals besides being communications that's why I said so much about myself.Losing them was equal to losing 1/4 of everything I've done in three years.
I had Dave come over twice and another friend Mike once
to help reinstall all my programs,and get everything back to normal.It was a horrorshow.If I hadn't lost all those e-mails(my Data Base) I would have been able to handle it better.The only think right now that gets me feeling better and back in gear is understanding and realizing that everything I lost is very little compared to what other people have and what I stll have left.I've learned to live with disappointment for so long I guess I can handle another couple of pounds.
Can you send me your last few shorts too.I'll make a list of what I have to make sure I have all of them.

Wow! What happened, Lenny? I am sending emails now.
........................ Trio
Hi Trio,
I had big trouble with my computer yesterday and lost all my past e-mails I've collected over the years.
Could you please send your last e-mails again.I got them but my system wasn't back up and running right and I lost them to.
Its been two of the worse days I've had in a long time.
I lost all my contacts I've collected over the years so I have start from scratch and contact whoever I can.
Everything is back to normal now.
I got fireworks back and your cd.Send me your e-mails to me for the last two days again.
Hi Trio,
I did something wrong with my computer than screwed it up so much that I had to reinstall windows 98.Dave moved all my files on my d drive so I didn't lose that but he forgot to save me e-mails and I lost four years of contacts,all my e-mails I've saved from the beginning of my internet history.As you might have noticed my e-mails were my journals besides being communications that's why I said so much about myself.Losing them was equal to losing 1/4 of everything I've done in three years.
I had Dave come over twice and another friend Mike once
to help reinstall all my programs,and get everything back to normal.It was a horrorshow.If I hadn't lost all those e-mails(my Data Base) I would have been able to handle it better.The only think right now that gets me feeling better and back in gear is understanding and realizing that everything I lost is very little compared to what other people have and what I stll have left.I've learned to live with disappointment for so long I guess I can handle another couple of pounds.
Can you send me your last few shorts too.I'll make a list of what I have to make sure I have all of them.
Wow! What happened, Lenny? I am sending emails now.
........................ Trio
Hi Trio,
I had big trouble with my computer yesterday and lost all my past e-mails I've collected over the years.
Could you please send your last e-mails again.I got them but my system wasn't back up and running right and I lost them to.
Its been two of the worse days I've had in a long time.
I lost all my contacts I've collected over the years so I have start from scratch and contact whoever I can.
Everything is back to normal now.
I got fireworks back and your cd.Send me your e-mails to me for the last two days again.

Hi Trio,
Its me again.I've started a new style with my paintings inspired by you.I started to incorporate what little drawing skill I have into the paintings.They turn out really interesting.
I'm not sure what you mean but I have an idea.
The artists name could be Sidney Hipple.That was the name I used to use for them and one of my charactor names in my stories.
Bio:Sidney Hipple is an artist who has very limited drawing ability and no training in art.Because of this he is not accepted in the art community because they have all gone to college and studied the masters.Sidney has an interest in some past well known painters but very little.Only when he happens to see something of someone.He doesn't go looking at art that often.He creates paintings using a method known only to him.He lives alone with his cat?In life he is developing a method for himself to prevent his past from becoming his future.He is not motivated by spite or anger.He is associated with what you might call a secret society of people trying to bringing more harmony in their lives and into the world.They are in the world but not of it.They are called The Invisible Society.
That's all I can think of right now.
Speaking of painting I'm gonna do some before I got out tonite to the one minute movie.

Subject: Re: Another New painting
Hahaha! Yes, he does look happy. And wacky! Maybe he is wackily happy? or happily wacky? Haha! Another winner from Lenny.
Hey, remember I want to do a movie about an artist and use some of your pics? Got any ideas about a name for him and a brief description like a short bio or a photo of what he should look like. I was thinking maybe Adam Rifkin as a model for his appearance? But any idea will be appreciated. I have plenty of places that I could put an Adam Rifkin character. Maybe the artist that does your pics should be wilder looking. Don't ask me to use you for a model because I don't want to draw anybody I know. It cramps my style and I worry about what they will think.
............................ Trio

Hey Trio,
I do have my therm high.I don't like the cold.I leave a high window open for Punchie when I can and keep the heat low when I'm not home.She's getting cool when she gets to go out.She comes after I call her a few times.
I'm recording more now and will have a chance to continue my musical bio with narratives.Claudia will certainly be included.You'll hear it all and more sometime.
I've got one cassette that Stormy titled for me that I have to make into mp3s.It's great for me to hear my songs back for the first time and see what he titles them.I'll attach the latest one to give you an idea.
I've got one cassette to listen to and title and another one that's half full.I'm going to be going into a recording phase that may last up to four more cassettes so I want to start processing them soon.But recording is my main concern cause when I'm in the mood I'm in the mood.
I'm not concerned about the level of your drawing skills.I think the are your interpretation of what you see and feel and I find everything you do is sincere,genuine and has great essence.I'm not looking for great detail.As simple as you may think your drawings are I think they are outstanding.I'm open to any ideas you have.I trust your interpretation.
I'm going to go for now.I'll fill you in on my mother and my family next time.
I've acquired an added additive lately and want to utilize any creativity while that may come out.
I'll attach a painting I did that I titled that reminded me of christmas.
The world of music will always live on in the hearts of those who really care.

Hi Lenny,
Punchie sounds like she is living up to her name and getting a little punchdrunk in the head. Sleeping in the sink might be because your house is very warm from the heating system and she finds the sink a cooler place to sleep. Do you keep your thermostat turned up high? That could also be why she likes going out more now. Is she a longhaired cat like a Persian?
The Claudia adventure sounds interesting. You can keep me up to date on that.
Christmas cards...
I don't have a head full of Christmas ideas. I know all the standard ones, of course, from Santa Claus to wreaths and bells and angels and snowmen and candycanes and the three wise men and reindeer and Christmas trees and little birds in the snow and children opening presents and on and on... It's overwhelming!
Send two or three photos that would be good for a card - maybe you at the keyboard or your house in the snow or your cat - and I will try ( I emphasize TRY - I am no great artist! ) to draw something with a Christmas feel - for instance if it was your house in the snow I would draw it with a wreath on the door and a snowman in the yard - or I could take one of you at the keyboard and put a Christmas tree next to you - and so on.
Speaking of photos, I checked out the June Smith (your mom?) link that you gave me. Very pleasant music. Does she play professionally or in public in some way? And the picture of your grandmother is beautiful. She was a stunning looking woman. Did she perform?
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was the usual - turkey, cranberry sauce, and relatives.
I have attached a couple of Merry Christmas doodles, but I would like to have a try at doing something from your photos.
See you later .......................... TRIO .......................
Hi Trio,
Tales of Trash and Swing time are the only ones I don't have from the early series.

Subject: Tales of the Trash
By the way I don't think I have Tales of Trash.What happened?
I don't know if you remember, but when I first started emailing the movies I had trouble with my msn account and had to switch over to a Yahoo account for emailing the movies. Here is a list of the earliest movies.
Coming Soon From Grabbox Video
Tales of the Trash
Cone Glue
Tenga Nay
14 Second Jam
Rug Runner
Betty and the Cat
And I am positive you have all the ones after that because they come from the Yahoo account. Let me know if you are missing any. They are no longer on my hard drive, so I will wait until I know if you need any others besides Tales of the Trash before I dig them out.
............................ Trio

Hi Trio,
I think I figured out why the text didn't show up.I had to change the color because of the background.I'll copy and paste it on this e-mail.
Hi Trio,
Looks like the good old days of are gone.I tried to sign up some of my bands for the gold service last week but there was an error everytime I tried to get the service.Oh Well maybe it was for the best.I found out that all the songs that were on stations besides the three on each band page was still on the stations.So I made stations with all the songs on some pages.
I'm realizing that many artists have deleted their songs from mp3.Now I'm reading on the BB that mp3 is closing the end of Feb.We'll see.I started to start a band site on IUMA.It's the best alternative I can see.It's free and at least you get in some search engines like.I guess I'll start build six or seven band site there.
I like your latest shorts.What a shock about the Shuttle.
I've been lazy lately and's everything in S.C.?Any two or three inch snow storms lately?We got some heavy snow last Sunday.I was remembering what you said before about it raining down there.I think I'ld rather have snow than cold freezing rain.
I was bored in work a few weeks ago and did some quick paintings.I'll attach one.
I don't think I'll be recording again for a while or not much if I do.
There's a new coffee house in Lowell that I'm gonna see about playing at in the future.
I'm getting prepared for a weekend of Action Theater in Boston in April with Ruth Zaporah.
I think I'm gonna start another painting phase with Fireworks soon.I've been trying to clean up on computer lately.
My friend Chris who I dictate my stories has started doing Web pages and is gonna start looking into getting my home page looking better and updated.I'm not really into dictating any stories lately anyways.
I've got to find out the best way to transfer your shorts to vhs tapes without making a major production out of it.By the way I don't think I have Tales of Trash.What happened?Did you think I was gonna show it to Little Larry?
Hope all is well.

That was the past e-mail text.
Glad you got the musical e-mail.My friend Stormy created them and has sent me many of them.I guess the process took him a while to perfect.I'm starting to take out his text and put in my own and forward it to other people.
I'll be sending more.
I was great seeing my painting in the latest edition of Rogue.I've made a cd of my past paintings that I was going to send you.You'll ready have a ball with these babies.
I've got another idea about maybe you utilizing or doing narration on some footage I have that would be priceless.Let me know if VHS tapes are the best to send you.It may be just lots of footage I've gotten with my DV camcorder over the years.The sound should be great too.

Subject: Re: Art received
No. I got the repeat send but still no writing in it. I can read what you wrote in this one of course.
Haha! What's going on, Lenny?
.................. Trio .............

Hi Trio,
That's weird.I sent you four e-mails.The first one had music in it and I wrote something.
I'll send it again and see if you get it.

Hi, Lenny
Just opened 5th art, 6th art, 11th art, and eyeballtrianges2. Beautiful! I can't wait to fit them into a movie. There was no message with them. Hope you are doing OK. Haven't heard from you in a while and I knew you were trying to get new hardware installed in your computer. I was afraid you crashed! I am mailing the box of cassettes today. So maybe you will get it Saturday or Monday.
See you later ............... Trio

Subject: Re: Mike Watson
Hi Trio,
That's the most amazing thing.He does all the drum programing himself and the keyboards and everything else.I think all the vocals too.I'm always amazed how complexed his drums are.I think he plays out with friends sometimes on guitar but I don't think he's been able to get a band together to get them played out.Maybe in bands he's been in years ago maybe.
You can imagine how I felt years ago when he heard my music and commented: Your sampled guitar improvs sound better to me than most
real guitars and your stuff is hilarious. There's something special and unique in there, thanks
for puting it there. Also thanks for puting some of my stuff on your stations.
Mike Watson.
It's people like him that keep inspiring me to continue my musicial adventures.
I enjoyed your story about playing in the jazz band in high school. I've been watching a lot of Cirque de Soleil lately on the Bravo channel.I've recorded six performances and Bravo has a series that shows how the performers and staff get prepared for a production.It's interesting hearing what music they use for the scenes and what the performers have to go through.
I finally got my new cd writter installed.Dave saved the day and came over two days ago to finished the job someone else started but got hung up on.I finally could make a cd of your mp3s for him.He's getting a one minute film ready also.I think he has yours complete or almost finished.
Well I activated one of my credit cards so I'm able to keep eight bands at full strength.I'm going to be overhauling most of my mp3 pages too.
I haven't been recording at all for a while.I'm going to be deleting many vocal songs on mp3 about mp3.They have little appeal for most people except the people I talk about in the recordings.
Dave had me send you a Vegas Video program he had.You should get it by the weekend or next week.
I got a flyer from EarthDance about their up coming classes.Ruth Zaporah is coming there again in Sept for a workshop.She was going to be there last year but I quess thet didn't get enough people to go so they had someone else do it so I didn't go.I'm going this year if it doesn't get canceled.I love improv and esp Action Theater more than anything else in this world.A few years ago I could make it cause of money problems and Ruth e-mail me and asked where I was.My dream someday is to be able to do a month long workshop.You'll find it interesting when I send you the video of the demonstration I filmed at Earthdance.
I'll put some other interesting stuff on the VHS tape too.Last time I was there for action theater there was a violinist that let me film him.This guy was good.
I've met people from around the world and the country at Earthdance during action theater workshops.
I found out that a seasoned action theater teacher Sarah hickler is having a workshop in Boston before Earthdance.I think Ruth will be there too.Life is good.It will be good to see some familar faces again after all these years.
I was just goofing about Dino Costello being your name.Maybe you could be Susie Quatro's brother?Just kidding again.Hey if we can't kid each other who can we kid?
It's almost time for Sponge Bob Square Pants.I've been recording the ones I don't have yet.Dave saw the program recently and loved it.
Thanks to your shorts I've been getting some ideas I want to start doing.
Subject: Mike Watson
Before I forget check out one of my mp3 heros Mike Watson's sketches of vain.He's put on over 20 new songs that are unbelievable.
You'll Like Song Doctor and Sack lunch.Mike has to be the best composer,musician and guitarist I've ever heard or seen including famous people.
I agree completely. Outstanding guitar playing. And do you think he did the drum parts too? If so, he is a genius.
................. Trio

Subject: Box received!
Opened up the box about an hour ago. So much stuff in it!
Thank you so much, man. All these goodies. Your CDs look great. Tell me again how you make them. Do you actually do the printing on the CD itself? I understand how you could record your own CDRs and print the book with an inkjet printer, but how do you get the printing on the CD? I guess you can tell I have never made one.
>>>>>>>The cds have labels.They're cheap about $35.00 for 500.I was concerned how they would play on cd players because they have adhesive on the labels and most cds have the info burned in but they seems to work in all computers and most newer cd players.They don't play in some car cd players but they seem to work.And the program is simple to use.It must be for me to get the hang of it.
Thanks for the CDR with the stock video clips. Just glancing at the titles of the clips I am sure I can use some of them.
>>>>>I think that's something Dave wanted you to have if I'm thinking of the same thing.
And of course I am looking forward to checking out your videotape. And the Scatterbrain Jukebox tape looks so cool. I didn't realize it would be so professional. Everything is beyond my expectations. I really feel honored to have you and Dave using some of my little movies in your work. I can't think of a better home for them.
>>>>Dave did a good job on Scatterbrain .He is a perfectionist on everything he does.Now you must get my goof on putting some in video stores.Imagine bringing one in and putting it on the shelf.Maybe when the store sees it they may think it came in but didn't get coded.
And a Charles Bukowski novel! I read the first page and knew I had better stop because I would stay up all night reading it. So cool! Thanks! I know you don't won't to lose that so I'll send it back as soon as I finish it.
>>>>>>You can keep the Bukowski novel.I've read it and would have ended up bringing it to a used book store anyways.
I've got a real treat that I'll send you.Charles Bukowski was the inspiration for a movie called BARFLY and the director filmed and interviewed Bukowski for over a year and released two vhs tapes of Bukowski speaking.It is a trip to see him speak.I've got three copies of part one.I'll send you one to keep.When you see Walter from The Broadway Cafe where PH101 played you'll see how he reminded me Of C.B.
The book of World Tales looks very interesting. When I picked it up it fell open to a one page story and I am thinking Hey! Some of these stories might be short enough to fit into a 60 second movie. Speaking of 60 second movies, Dave said he was going to submit "Room 202" to that exhibition. I hope they like it.
>>>>>>You tell stories so well I figured you'ld enjoy World Tales.You can keep that to.I've get damaged copies for half price and always have a few on hand.
Thanks for the credit lines on the Other Orchestra and Children of Invention CDs. That made me feel real good to see that.
>>>>>>I've been waiting a while for you to see that.You've been a good influence.I was telling Dave today that you're shorts are an extention of you're music.I'm waiting to get my new cd burner working so I can make a cd for Dave of all your mp3s.The voices you do on your recordings are priceless and the stories are so well conceived.
I was looking over the improv glossary and rules you included. Fascinating stuff and applies to what I do. Improv with other actors must really be fun. You make me want to go over to some of the local theater groups and see how I might fit in. The theater club and music scene here is probably not nearly as active as in Massachusetts but it does exist.
>>>>>>>>Like I said your stories are so good I thought if you saw some improv info you could really go to town.
Improv is my first love over anything else.I haven't done it for a few years cause most of the troops are in Boston but my favorite is called Action Theater.I approuched a person called Larry Pizza who run a troop at Improv Boston but he never got back to me.Most of my actor friends don't enjoy improv so it's hard to find people to work with.
I do improv at work and in life just to make myself laugh.The only way I'm going to get back into improv is to start to teach it in the Lowell area and find allies that way.I don't go out much so its hard to find a space to practice and perform but maybe in the future.
By the way the Improv Glossary is for Improv sports like you may see on T.V..It's interesting for the terms but some terms I wouldn't make law in what I want to do.
Most cities have improv classes.If you find one where you live I would check it out.You are a natural.
I'll send you a demonstration VHS tape I filmed of Action Theater a few years ago when my improv teacher Ruth Zaporah let me film at a workshop held at a place in western Mass called Earth Dance.You'll find it interesting.It is the most user friendly form of Improv I've ever found.
The other person who is outstanding is Keith Johnstone.He's got a book called Improv that is out of this world.I attending one of his workshops in Boston a few years ago and took some notes.I'll send a copy of them.
He started developing improv in England in the 50's or 60's for actors to loosen up and is really to me the King of Iimprov.
You know you and Dave are such creative guys that I wish I was up there so that we could all get together. If the opportunity arises to take a trip up north maybe I will get my wish.
>>>>>>>>>You're always welcome.I was telling Dave today about a possible cover story for Trio if need be.
Trio's real name could be Dino Costello.As the rumor goes Frank Sinatra had a fling way back when with Lou Costello's sister in between break ups with Ava Gardner.Frank was drunk when it happened and refused to admit the fling so Lou's sister named the baby after Dean Martin to spite Frank.
Another rumor could be that Dino Costello was related to the mobster Frank Costello and needs to keep a low profile.
I'ld have ball with that as Tony D'Wonderful "Talent Agent".
Before I forget check out one of my mp3 heros Mike Watson's sketches of vain.He's put on over 20 new songs that are unbelievable.
You'll Like Song Doctor and Sack lunch.Mike has to be the best composer,musician and guitarist I've ever heard or seen including famous people.This guy has the Zappa style down to an art.And he's a real regular guy and very seasoned in recording.
That's the beauty of the mp3 and the computer revolution.Musicians like us can develop a network with others we would have otherwise never been able to know about.Could you imagine what we could be into a year or two from now by developing a sincere support group?
Well I think I will sit back in my recliner now, switch on the VCR and enjoy some of these riches you sent.
>>>>>>Speaking of Easy Chairs I bought a used one a month ago at a used furniture store in Lawrence that had about 30 used easy chairs and tons of furniture.It was in good shape and cost only $25.00.I haven't had one since I moved last year.Punchie sits in it most of the time so I'm still on the couch alot.She's my house mate so I can't take the chair away from her.Of course some times I get her out of the chair by giving her some whip cream in the kitchen and sitting in the chair before she gets back.
I'm glad you like the package.I usually put stuff on the outside of the box so it's too noticable to get lost by the post office besides it gives it an interesting charactor.
Well it's time for me to see if Punchie is in the EZ chair and wind down.
By the way my address is
26 Arlington Ave.
welcome to the LOOP.
Thanks again ......... your friend .......... TRIO ....................

Subject: NOLNOD
Hi Lenny,
Just saw the emails you sent to Yahoo. I don't check that mailbox everyday like I do this one.
Your "In Columbia" song was pretty cool. I sent you an email from the song page.
>>>>I started listening to some of my recent cassettes to title them and I realized that I did that recording before Halloween.My method with vocal song is after i record the instrument track whatever comes to mind becomes the theme for the song then I record the vocals right away.I was converting some songs recently and found one where I talk about Tony D and the award he gets.Even for me that's going back a ways.You'll crack up Dino!
What does NOLNOD mean? No, I was just joking about the fact that some of my movies are kind of strange and odd.
The word "NOLNOD" came about because I was stuck for a title and I thought the beginning of the movie looked like the streets of a city so I decided I would use "London" spelled backwards for a title which is NODNOL and then I thought NOLNOD sounded better. No, about the only thing these movies mean is that I have a lot of time to kill! Hahaha!
>>>>>You movie are great.I had Dave put a few early ones he had on dv so I could use them on the vhs tape I'm making of footage of PH101 and Cyber Tribe(the band mark is in)and a few of my things to send out to associates to see what I've been up to.
If what you call killing time seems pretty productive to me.Your movies are already classics to me.I can't wait untill Dave gets them all on vhs so I have them to add to my current viewing pleasure and to show friends.
So you got that last batch of songs up on That's pretty good. You are going to miss all that free web space. As will I. But at least they didn't shut it down completely.
>>>>>>For some reason my songs are getting approved right away.I'm gonna start to pile on songs now.
I'm not gonna miss it cause I have no choice but to pay to keep at least 10 bands up.Believe me when I tell you that $5.00 a month is a deal esp for musicians like us that ain't one hit wonders.
I've been on mp3 for years now and I've seen what happens because of changes.
When the world is upside down,I'm right side up.When the world is right side up I'm upside down.
I'll get into this more later I've got to get to Cambridge to see some associates in life so I can get back early.
We're counting down to Christmas now. Hope your holidays are pleasant and joyful.
>>>>> Less than a week and it will all be over.I've got all my cards sent out.It's all down hill from here.
See you later .................. TRIO ..............................

I go to the mp3 bb everyday to see what's going on.Same old stuff all the time.It's like a cocktail lounge for some mp3 artists.I never knew about the board for years.When I started checking it out it was insightful.It's gotten to be a battle ground for some time now.I've only met a few worthwhile artists on it but the few that I have like yourself have been invaluable.
I started printing the cards to start to give out at work tomorrow.For the greeting I put "May You Get Everything Your Heart Desires"
On the back I put:Created By Trio Quatro for Laughing Dervish Productions Copyright 2002 by Trio Quatro.
Thank You again.It's great and perfect for all the different people I give cards too.It is original and certainly is the best card I've ever given out.
Thank you for putting the hat.I'm losing my hair and the hat gives me that ZZ top Sharpman look.
Subject: Re: Have You Checked The BB?
Well, I think a lot of artists don't realize that the bulk mail filter on their email program automatically blocks mass emailings like makes. You have to catch one when it filters it and then tell the email program to exempt from the filtering. I haven't been to the BB in several months, but I'll bet it's really juiced up over this! Haha!
................. Thanks for the compliments on my Christmas drawing .......... TRIO ..........

Subject: Fw: Have You Checked The BB?
Hi Trio,
Here's An E-mail Stormy sent me with a link for the Shopie post.

Subject: Have You Checked The BB?
Hi Lenny
I was just boredly looking at the artist bb and there was a thread from SOPHIE <> detailing some changes that they are going to make to the site in January. One of them is this: Non-PAS artists will be limited to THREE FRIGGIN' TRACKS on their page. I thought of you immediately with your multiple artist pages with hundreds of tracks....... I never had more than about 25 up at one time, but this is idiotic. They're also eliminating P4P EVEN FOR PAS artists! Artists were NOT sent an email about this, though SOPHIE claims they were, and there is nothing about it on the site's main page. Unless you happen to be scrolling through the artist messageboard, you wouldn't find out anything about it. Just thought I'd pass this on.
~Stormy u

Subject: Re: 3 songs!!!
I just saw the drawing.I am beaming with joy.It is perfect!Thank you so much.It is a work of art!I'm known for having and finding interesting cards esp x-mas cards.People look forward to what card I find or make.The right hand looks like it could be my tape player which I'm always putting on when I play.I never play unless I'm going to record.
I've got over 1200 songs on mp3 but not all the songs show up on my pages.The Other Orchestra has over 150 but only 102 show up on my page.You want to hear something weird.I have a song called cousins on one of my pages but doesn't show up on my page but came to the top in one of my local mp3 charts.
I know I've been pushing it for a while on mp3 so I can't complain.I tryed to figure out what makes some of the songs not appear.Maybe there at the end of the list.If I decide on the gold premuim service I may have all my songs seen on pages with more than 100 songs.
I saw on one of the mp3 bb posts that the new fee was $100.00 a year for platuim (you get paid)and $50.00 a year for gold (which lets you have as many songs as you want).On another post I saw $10.00 a month and $5.00 a month.
Thanks for the notice from mp3.Now I know I've got till Jan 15th to get prepared.
If I can save ten pages including my mother I'll be happy.I'll find a way to make it work.If I can get just one more year out of mp3 I should be doing good.
My home page cost about $50.00 a month including my e-mail account.I've gotten out cheap for years so I don't mind paying mp3 for a year.I made about $600.00 at the beginning.Mostly on three bands Henry Riddle,Charles Riddle(now Lenny Hall)and The Flugnoids.I cleaned up in the beginning with Henry Riddle so I created Charles Riddle and had more hits.It's sad that Henry Riddle has not gotten much activity in years.
I just got an e-mail from T.Stormy Hunter about the bb.Maybe a post I posted.

Subject: Re: 3 songs!!!
Hey, thanks for the link! Yeah, that is something I will like. I went to it just now and added it to my Favorites list.
I've got a lot of your stuff downloaded, but not all of it. Did you tell me once that you had over a thousand tracks at or is that my bad memory talking?
Thanks ................ TRIO

Hi Trio,
Here's a site you may like.
I've got all your songs downloaded.
Subject: 3 songs!!!
I guess you got the notice from that only premium artists will be allowed to have more than 3 songs on their page. I could jump up and down and curse except that it's a free service and us beggars can't be choosers.
Well, I thought from the first day I uploaded a song that it was too good to be true that unlimited free storage space was available on the net.
If you want any of my songs to use for anything, better download them soon. I plan to cull my pages down to 3 songs each and then pretty much ignore after that. Maybe once a year I will check to see if they are still there.
Lenny, I'll bet you are hopping mad, or do you have a premium page you can put everything on?
............... TRIO ( Boy, that number three came back to bite me! ) ........................

Hi Trio,
I didn't get any notice.I found out about it through the mp3 bb this morning.If you got the notice could you forward it to me or tell me when it goes into effect?
From what I understand its $100.00 a year for the premium service and $50.00 a year to have as many songs as you want but not get paid for activity.
I don't have any premium pages but I may look into paying the $50.00 a year for a few bands.I don't even have a credit card.I filed bankruptcy a few years ago so if I do I'll have to send a money order to mp3.If I have time to get the money up before the change over. I've got to try to keep my mother on mp3 if I can.It has changed her life.
I'm am deeply distressed about the change but I've seen so much happen over the years that I've learned to roll with the punches.When things like this happen I don't get mad I get serious.Mp3 has been good to me.I've had over 100,000 downloads,met many interesting musicians and have become good friends with many.Mp3 gave me a reason to record so much music because I had a place to store it and have people hear it.My many musician friends in my area don't have the commit value that I've found from mp3 artists and the feedback has really been terrific.Out of all the people I've gotten to know and hear on mp3 you are certainly on the top of the list.I got to know so many artists but none ever posted as many songs as you.I tell me friends that you are like my musical counterpart in S.C.Everyone that hears Donkeytown and Jolly Roger really enjoy your style and ability.I played some of your media files for a friend last night and he really enjoyed them.I'm very honored to be choosen to receive them whenever you do a new one.You have great talent and are one of the most genuine and interesting person I've met in all my years on the web.I just started to convert some cassette tapes last night to mp3.It was the cassette that stormy titled.I did the songs a few months ago and one called In Columbia was about you.I may not even get a chance to have you hear it now but I'll find a way someday.
I've downloaded all your songs a few weeks ago but I'll go in and see if I missed any tonite.I'm sorry about not getting back to you sooner.I realized that I didn't sign one of my last ones.Someone came over and I got called away and sent it without finishing it.
Don't worry about coming up with any drawings of me or my mother.I know I didn't give you much to go on but if you think of any x-mas drawings I may like please send it to me.
Hey! I drove to N.J. again last friday to see Ph101 again.It was another long drive but it was worth it.Rick Lewis from PH101 told me that the place they were playing at was run by an old hipple from the 60's so I had to go and check it out.Its called The Broadway Cafe and the owner is called Walter.I got there about nine.PH101 was going on at 12 so just the first band was there and getting set up.I sat down and started taking notes and a short story while I waited.Here it is with some added notes taken later.
The Broadway Cafe is really a trip.It was 5.00 to get in.The door man was cool and a regular guy.The atmosphere of the place looked liked something from A Charles Bukowski story.The bartender remined me of Art Carney.I went to the bar to order a drink.I knew from the looks of the place that they won't have my favorite drink a Pina Colada so I ordered my second favorite drink Baillys on the rock.The bartender said 'We don't have Baillys' so I asked for a screw driver.He said it would be a few minutes cause he has to send someone out to get some orange juice.Everyone in the bar was genuine and seemed right at home.There were paintings that the owner did all around the place.There was a life size photo of Frank Sinartra(opps)Animal skills above the front door.A guitar attached to a support beam,tons of photos.I found out later that the building was 120 years old and the owner Walter owned it for about 25 years.In that 25 years he created a place that was like a musuem.It had lots of wooden cases with weird stuff in them.The paintings he did were of a classical natureand very good and large.The floor were old black and white square titles.The walls and beams were all cover with something even the support beams and poles.They had a couch and sitting chair and an ashtray and an old ashtray stand by the entrance.The Broadway Cafe is a product of Walters Creativity over 25 years.
Two elderly men looked liked they had been hanging out there for many years.One reminded me of Charles Bukowski.He kinda looked like his counter part.He was sitting at the bar and had a good buzz.He had a woman maybe in her fourties hanging over him just like a Bukowski Story.I found out later that this was Walter the owner.My father would have loved this bar in fact the owner reminded me of what my father would have been like if he had a bar like this.My father was named Charlie and died in 1992 of cancer.He was a simple guy who had a good heart.He only went to the 6th grade.I never saw him read much his whole life and write anything except his name.My Mother and Father got divorced before I was born so I never knew my father untill I was 8.My mother had always told me he was dead because she was kinda ashamed of him.Maybe because he was a simple man.I lived with my father and his mother and stepfather in Methuen,Mass untill I was 16 when I moved out and stayed with neighbors then at my best friends house Paul Listro.I had dropped out of school and was working at a supermarket at the time.I didn't see much of my father for years.I changed jobs a few times (gas stations) moved to Tewksbury,Ma. when I was 18 and started working at a chemical plant.A few years later I got laid off and finally moved to Lowell,Mass.I finally got a hold of my father and started to see him when I could.Over the years I got to appreciate my father for the person he was and his good qualities and disregard any feeling of shame I had in the past.
I gave him a movie called Barfly that's about Charles Bukowski and he loved it.To him that kind of life was glamorious and the place to be.He would have loved to see footage Of C.B. if I had had any back then so you can maybe understand why I was so affected by Walter and the Broadway Cafe.
All the bands were great and polished.I got to get lots of footage of the bar and it's suroundings.I even got Walter on film when he went on stage after PH101 started playing.He went on stage and went into a small closet and came right out.It was classic.The whole night was great.Someday I'ld like to play the Broadway Cafe or at least go there again.If PH101 ever plays there again I'm there.
Well Trio I kinda got off the story a little but you know me sometimes I just say what's on my mind at the time.
I hear that N.C. is a beautiful place.What's it like down there?It snowed again today.It's going to be a snowy winter up here I can tell.
I'm glad we got a chance to hear each others music,become friends and colab on a few tunes.Many people say your voice sounds like William Borroughs.You have made my music even more unqiue by adding your vocals.Your music has been a big inspiration and I envy your ability of telling stories and they have given me ideas on how I can make my music more user friendly but I could never come close to your level of storytelling.You've got a lot of chops and styles down very well also.
I'm gonna continue converting the cassette I started last night and try start the other two I need to listen to and title.Looks like I may not be posting any again but at least I'll have them made into mp3s.
I'll check out your sites later on and check out the mp3 bb to see how the wolves are reacting and get some insight from the level headed artists.
Your last two media files were great as always.It's always a treat to get them.
While I was driving the Van my uncle chuck gave me I listened to country rock cause my car 89 sunbird doesn't have a radio.
I've got a joke for you.
What do you get when you play a country sond backwards?
You get your job back.You get your girl back.You get your truck back.Your dog come back.
I kept forgetting to tell you that.

I guess you got the notice from that only premium artists will be allowed to have more than 3 songs on their page. I could jump up and down and curse except that it's a free service and us beggars can't be choosers.
Well, I thought from the first day I uploaded a song that it was too good to be true that unlimited free storage space was available on the net.
If you want any of my songs to use for anything, better download them soon. I plan to cull my pages down to 3 songs each and then pretty much ignore after that. Maybe once a year I will check to see if they are still there.
Lenny, I'll bet you are hopping mad, or do you have a premium page you can put everything on?
............... TRIO ( Boy, that number three came back to bite me! )

Subject: Re: Christmas card
Hey Trio,
I do have my therm high.I don't like the cold.I leave a high window open for Punchie when I can and keep the heat low when I'm not home.She's getting cool when she gets to go out.She comes after I call her a few times.
I'm recording more now and will have a chance to continue my musical bio with narratives.Claudia will certainly be included.You'll hear it all and more sometime.
I've got one cassette that Stormy titled for me that I have to make into mp3s.It's great for me to hear my songs back for the first time and see what he titles them.I'll attach the latest one to give you an idea.
I've got one cassette to listen to and title and another one that's half full.I'm going to be going into a recording phase that may last up to four more cassettes so I want to start processing them soon.But recording is my main concern cause when I'm in the mood I'm in the mood.
I'm not concerned about the level of your drawing skills.I think the are your interpretation of what you see and feel and I find everything you do is sincere,genuine and has great essence.I'm not looking for great detail.As simple as you may think your drawings are I think they are outstanding.I'm open to any ideas you have.I trust your interpretation.
I'm going to go for now.I'll fill you in on my mother and my family next time.
I've acquired an added additive lately and want to utilize any creativity while that may come out.
I'll attach a painting I did that I titled that reminded me of christmas.
The world of music will always live on in the hearts of those who really care.

Subject: Christmas card
Hi Lenny,
Punchie sounds like she is living up to her name and getting a little punchdrunk in the head. Sleeping in the sink might be because your house is very warm from the heating system and she finds the sink a cooler place to sleep. Do you keep your thermostat turned up high? That could also be why she likes going out more now. Is she a longhaired cat like a Persian?
The Claudia adventure sounds interesting. You can keep me up to date on that.
Christmas cards...
I don't have a head full of Christmas ideas. I know all the standard ones, of course, from Santa Claus to wreaths and bells and angels and snowmen and candycanes and the three wise men and reindeer and Christmas trees and little birds in the snow and children opening presents and on and on... It's overwhelming!
Send two or three photos that would be good for a card - maybe you at the keyboard or your house in the snow or your cat - and I will try ( I emphasize TRY - I am no great artist! ) to draw something with a Christmas feel - for instance if it was your house in the snow I would draw it with a wreath on the door and a snowman in the yard - or I could take one of you at the keyboard and put a Christmas tree next to you - and so on.
Speaking of photos, I checked out the June Smith (your mom?) link that you gave me. Very pleasant music. Does she play professionally or in public in some way? And the picture of your grandmother is beautiful. She was a stunning looking woman. Did she perform?
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was the usual - turkey, cranberry sauce, and relatives.
I have attached a couple of Merry Christmas doodles, but I would like to have a try at doing something from your photos.
See you later .......................... TRIO .......................

Hi Lenny,
I just sent you all of your emails I had on my hard drive. I usually delete emails when they are over a month old but I did have a few of the older ones that I had missed. Also I delete emails with large attachments the same day I get them which is why some fairly recent emails are missing. I save the attachments in a separate folder then delete the email to free up the memory.
I hope you will be able to forgive Dave and I am sorry I don't have more emails to send.

............... Trio
Subject: Three pics

Hi, Lenny
Thanks for the JPEGs. "Touch Panel" and "Panel Head" look like you may have been daydreaming about acquiring some new high-tech audio equipment. Very futuristic!
Not much happening here. Instead of being creative I have been playing "Parasite Eve" on the Playstation. Also learning how to use a new drawing program I bought called TurboCad Designer. It has many buttons and menus and toolbars, but the manual has a step-by-step example that is showing me what to do. By now I am pretty patient with new programs as I know it is usually worth the effort to take the time to learn what they do. I still remember how I used Paint Shop Pro for over half a year before I realized I could make animations with it.
I have been studying the problem of getting video into my computer and found a number of solutions for sale. They range from about $60 to $200. For $60 the Dazzle company and several others sell a small adapter with a video input and USB output. So just plug the VCR in one end and the other end into the computer. It's limited in resolution and framerate and depends on your computer to do the conversion into digital video.
For about $200 Dazzle and others make a unit which again plugs into the USB input on my computer. However this adapter has its own video-to-digital chip built in so that it frees up your computer to do other things. Also on this unit there are video outputs as well as inputs so that after working with the video on your computer, you can record it back to a VHS tape.
I did my looking at Circuit City which seemed to have a better selection than Best Buy. It seems to be important not to buy an older adapter since they had problems with USB when it first came out. There is a USB 2.0 now which is much faster than USB 1. Most computers over 6 months old have USB 1. Fortunately, the $200 adapter will work with either USB 1 or USB 2, although it is much faster with USB 2.
Well, that is my tech talk for today! Haha! Hope I didn't bore you too much. But I thought you might be interested in tools like this as much as I am. You note that I didn't mention any of the video cards that plug inside your computer. I am not afraid to open up the box, but I would much rather not. And since I don't have a Firewire input, I only considered the USB solutions. If you are serious about video, you probably want to check out the Firewire approach since the output of digital camcorders is Firewire (IEE1494) and of course most of the Firewire cards will also except regular video too.
See you later ................................... Trio

Subject: IUMA
I started a page on IUMA for The Other Orchestra
I checked it out. The real player stream worked great. I didn't try to stream an mp3 since it said it was the hifi version. Looks like a good site. Any song limit? Looked like you have to keep your songs in groups of ten.
................................... Trio
Subject: Film Festival
I assume your film short got selected for the one minute movie fest? What's the scoop?
Well, I am assuming it too. I got put on their emailing list and it said that Liquid Kulak was in the festival. Dave had to convert my movie to VHS to enter it of course, but he was entering a movie, too, so I don't know any more than you. Anyway, I won't be coming up for it although I might come to Boston later in the year. Isn't the film festival going to be on cable TV? Maybe you can tape it.
........................................ Trio
Subject: Multimedia CDs
I've been creating Multi Media cds for friends to check out.
That sounds interesting. What do you mean by "multimedia"? Have you figured out a way to get your video footage onto CDs?
........................................ Trio
Subject: dazzle adapter on sale

Hi, Lenny,
Remember the Dazzle adapter I mentioned? For putting VHS video into your computer through the USB input? It was on sale this week at Best Buy. Tomorrow is the last day. It's $39.99 after a $30 rebate off the regular price of $69.99. I would buy one except that I already found something to do the job -- a little Intel PC camera that has video inputs on it and a USB output. It works pretty good on VHS. The microphone doesn't work, but that might be the software or my soundcard. However, it does VHS better than I expected. I thought there would be scan lines, but no, it is nice clear video. I'll try to send you a sample. It depends on how clear the VHS tape is, of course. A fuzzy EP tape doesn't get any better.
..................... Trio

Subject: Re: dazzle adapter
Hi, Lenny,
Glad you found one. If it works as well as the PC cam adapter that I found then you should like it.
I am surprised you have to change your monitor setting. Are you sure about that? And if you are talking about what I think you are talking about, then you should be able to open Control Panel in Windows and go right to the monitor settings.
But since you will probably be inputting your VHS tapes at the 320x240 resolution (that's as good as VHS gets) then your monitor should be fine.
.......................... Trio

Hi Trio,
I went to best buy and got the dazzle today.I've got the change my monitor setting before I install it.I've never done it.I'll call their tech support and have them walk me through it.
It like like the perfect program I need ed.Thanks for steering me in the right direction.
I met with some last night named Tom White who's a photographer and a bass player,with one of my multi media cds.I showed him a few of your shorts.He enjoyed them alot esp one of my favorites X-3.He cracked up when I played Jolly Roger in Donkeytown and Shakes and Rollie and Me.
It turns out this guy is a nudist and is really into nudism.He showed me some photos he took in Canada at a nudist camp he goes to, of three adults covering themselves with mud from toes to head in different stages.It was amazing how they looked afterwards.I'ld like to do a video of the shots and put music to it.Who's knows maybe it could use some narration.Hint.Hint.It could be one of the wildest thing I've ever done. I may be doing some back ground music for a nudist film too.That would be interesting.Who knows it could become another sideline for my music.At least I'ld be doing soundtracks.
I'm thinking of creating another multi-media cd with some of my stories,paintings and mp3's for a promo package.
I'm getting ready a cd for CD Baby of 100 mp3's of The Other Orchestra and selling it for maybe $20.00 or $25.00.I just got and idea.Maybe add some painting and stories too.Shit maybe someday I can sell my multi-media cds on some site like cd baby.
I'm looking forward to the showings of the One Minute movies next week.I'm gonna go to both viewings and mingle with a artsy fartsy crowd for an evening.Dave and I are a couple of charactors when we go to places like this.It should be fun.Maybe Dave and I could bring our camcorders and get some footage.

Hi, Lenny,
Remember the Dazzle adapter I mentioned? For putting VHS video into your computer through the USB input? It was on sale this week at Best Buy. Tomorrow is the last day. It's $39.99 after a $30 rebate off the regular price of $69.99. I would buy one except that I already found something to do the job -- a little Intel PC camera that has video inputs on it and a USB output. It works pretty good on VHS. The microphone doesn't work, but that might be the software or my soundcard. However, it does VHS better than I expected. I thought there would be scan lines, but no, it is nice clear video. I'll try to send you a sample. It depends on how clear the VHS tape is, of course. A fuzzy EP tape doesn't get any better.
..................... Trio

Subject: Nudism
Hi, Lenny
Look further down in the email.............
Hi Trio,
I went to best buy and got the dazzle today.I've got the change my monitor setting before I install it.I've never done it.I'll call their tech support and have them walk me through it.
It like like the perfect program I need ed.Thanks for steering me in the right direction.
I met with some last night named Tom White who's a photographer and a bass player,with one of my multi media cds.I showed him a few of your shorts.He enjoyed them alot esp one of my favorites X-3.He cracked up when I played Jolly Roger in Donkeytown and Shakes and Rollie and Me.
It turns out this guy is a nudist and is really into nudism.He showed me some photos he took in Canada at a nudist camp he goes to, of three adults covering themselves with mud from toes to head in different stages.It was amazing how they looked afterwards.I'ld like to do a video of the shots and put music to it.Who's knows maybe it could use some narration.Hint.Hint.It could be one of the wildest thing I've ever done. I may be doing some back ground music for a nudist film too.That would be interesting.Who knows it could become another sideline for my music.At least I'ld be doing soundtracks.
Yayyy nudity! Too bad so many nudists are out of shape! I think if I was narrating a nudist film I would tend to make fun of them. They might not like that. You making background music sounds like a great idea.
I'm thinking of creating another multi-media cd with some of my stories,paintings and mp3's for a promo package.
I'm getting ready a cd for CD Baby of 100 mp3's of The Other Orchestra and selling it for maybe $20.00 or $25.00.I just got and idea.Maybe add some painting and stories too.Shit maybe someday I can sell my multi-media cds on some site like cd baby.
I'm looking forward to the showings of the One Minute movies next week.I'm gonna go to both viewings and mingle with a artsy fartsy crowd for an evening.Dave and I are a couple of charactors when we go to places like this.It should be fun.Maybe Dave and I could bring our camcorders and get some footage.
I hope you guys have a good time. I doubt if you will be the only "characters" there. And who knows who might not be thinking that YOU are the artsy-fartsy ones! Haha!
.................................. Trio
Subject: Spongehead Bob
Hi Lenny,
Spongehead Squarepants Bob is great! This is the first time watching it for me. I had no idea how clever and inventive it was. I thought it was just another kids cartoon so I never bothered to watch it, but I really like the way these guys pull things from so many areas for their stories. Very creative.
I also started watching the Adam Rifkin tape and I like that too. It's hard to tell who is putting on who, who is on the joke and who is not, what's real and what's phoney -- My kind of movie. Another great movie about the movie biz was The Player. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It must be 5 or 10 years old by now. I don't know. Time flies.

............... Trio

Subject: Art received
Hi, Lenny
Just opened 5th art, 6th art, 11th art, and eyeballtrianges2. Beautiful! I can't wait to fit them into a movie. There was no message with them. Hope you are doing OK. Haven't heard from you in a while and I knew you were trying to get new hardware installed in your computer. I was afraid you crashed! I am mailing the box of cassettes today. So maybe you will get it Saturday or Monday.
See you later ............... Trio
Subject: Rogue 4
Hi, Lenny
I put two of your art works into "Rogue 4". You won't have any trouble finding them.
I sent the box of cassettes. You mentioned wanting ones that I had listened to, so I included a bunch of those. They are the ones with small white stickon labels. On the label is the date I listened to it and a letter grade I gave it like "A" or "B" or "C" and on the second line of the label you will see "RS" and a number. That's the grade that Rolling Stone gave that album. I was curious in those days to see if I liked what they liked.
There is also a Jack Kerouac book and four VHS tapes. Two of the tapes are ads from video companies that maybe Dave could use. And the other two tapes are movies that I didn't send because of the movies but for the cool plastic cases that the tapes are in. I thought you might be able to use the cases.
See you later ................. Trio

Subject: Dino Costello
I was telling Dave today about a possible cover story for Trio if need be.
Trio's real name could be Dino Costello.As the rumor goes Frank Sinatra had a fling way back when with Lou Costello's sister in between break ups with Ava Gardner.Frank was drunk when it happened and refused to admit the fling so Lou's sister named the baby after Dean Martin to spite Frank.
Another rumor could be that Dino Costello was related to the mobster Frank Costello and needs to keep a low profile.
I'ld have ball with that as Tony D'Wonderful "Talent Agent".

Man, you Yankees and your mobsters! Howzabout "Trio Costello"? That's got a ring to it...
Listen, when I was in high school I played trumpet in a small jazz band. The drummers name was Teddy Immediato. (Not sure if I spelled that right!) His father and his father's two brothers had emigrated to America and opened up a bakery called The Three Little Bakers. Before that they had been acrobats - tumblers. So in order to promote the bakery they would go around to various functions and put on a little show. Our little jazz band would provide backup music. Along with Teddy on drums and me on trumpet we had a piano, a trombone, and a baritone sax. Weird group, huh? The climax of the act was a three man tower and then they would come tumbling down. Our music had to build all during the act (it was short) and then reach a wild climax when they built the tower. We would be blowing our brains out playing as loud and "swinging" as we could. A lot of fun.

Subject: Package cartoons
I'm glad you like the package.I usually put stuff on the outside of the box so it's too noticable to get lost by the post office besides it gives it an interesting charactor.
Yeah, I meant to comment on the cartoons. Haha! Pretty good. I had to read the package before I could open it! And an added bonus is the mailmen give more attention to your packages, no doubt!!!
........................ Trio
Subject: Re: A new painting
Haha! Yeah, a lot of them did come from yard sales! Nice painting!
.......................... Trio

Subject: More Trio
Well I can't cover everything in this letter, but I'll cover some of them...
1) Thanks for the very generous offer to let me use any track. That's very exciting. You will get a lot of plays out of this since I will have to browse through everything now! Haha!
2) I'll start with the Spiders From MP3 station. Hey, I noticed the EarWorm tracks in there! You like to do little tricks like that, don't you? :) And I went to search and listened to the two EarWorm songs that some "weirdo in Massachusetts" made. I guess we know who that is. Cool! They sound kind of spooky though. I guess that's what happens when you have "EarWorm" for a name. Not exactly kittens and puppies, is it! They could make good soundtracks for stories though. I am thrilled at the possibilities in your stuff.
>>>>I've been naming songs after mp3 bands for years.It's more of a courtesy than anything else.Most of the time I don't tell them unless I hear from them or wait untill I contact them again.
3) No, I am not a looper. Ideally I can use a track as is. I did that with one of the Smackass tracks. Another one I had to speed up a little. I am too lazy to sit around cutting tracks into pieces and remixing them to any great extent. I do a little of course when editing. Mainly it's just the length and the tempo that I have to mess with.
4) The Children of Invention CD looks great. Of course I would like one but hold off for a while. I am going to set up my EarWorm Jazz page as a CD and then I'll trade you one of those for the COI CD.
5) When I first read about the Korg Karma I fell in love with it. It seems to think like I do. I can never play the same thing the same way twice. For two reasons. I have no memory for music so I have to improvise everything. And because of that, I make "mistakes" which require constant adjustment, like suddenly the chord progression is different etc. I think the Karma would complement that. It would put even more uncertainty into the mix, but I think I would like that. I need better sounds. My little Yamaha cheapie has been good to me, but it doesn't even have pitch bend!
6) You have "tricks" too, huh? Then you know you are a productive musician. :) That idea about the pitch bend wheel is cool. I just wish I had one! As for staying on the white keys - yep, I'm right there with you.
7) Your history is interesting. Three years here! Has it been a steady push, or do you drift away for months at a time? I can visualize that drift away time coming for me, but I am too new to MP3 right now.
>>>>I wish I could drift away and have more of a steady push too.
Right now I've got three cassettes(90 min.)of songs to make into mp3's and upload to weeks I can spend maybe 4 hours doing something with mp3 unless I have bulk time on the weekend .
I drift away from the board.I never went there or really knew about it for years anyways.I may not update my pages for months but I try to put new songs when ever I can.
I rarely have time to search for new bands to listen to but I always listen to whoever finds my music and has a real comment.
I started putting my music on mp3 for my friends.As it turned out mostly mp3 artists listened and sometimes contact me and we became friends.
I'll hit your other e-mail.
It's my TV night.
OK, enough for now. I am leaving out something, but I'll read your email again and find it.
CU later ................. TRIO

Hi Trio,
I look forward to hearing thr colab.
Ya Fox has some great stuff on Sunday.Futurama is my favorite,then king of the hill.Malcolm in the middle.The simpson are cool too.
I'm really into HBO on sunday too.
It's interesting you choose Korghead as the first peice to colab on.It's was created from the very first combination listed on the work station called The Voice of Karma.
I'm gonna try to post some more songs this week sometime.
If I missed anything in your last e-mails I'll back pedal to them on my next e-mail.
Have a great week

Subject: First collaboration uploaded
Well, the subject line says it all. Just uploaded our first collaboration -- "KorgHead I Know".
I name them by adding a word or two to their original track names. That way I can keep up with what came from where.
With any luck it will be active by next weekend.
You like those Sunday Fox cartoons also, don't you? Haha! Futurama and the Simpsons are my favorites.
.................. TRIO ...................

Hi Trio,
Thank You for the card.Jolly Roger in Donkeytown is the best thing I've ever heard.I can't tell you how much joy it has brought to me hearing it and you doing it.
The song Jolly Roger is part of a recording phase I went through a few years ago.I've got a bunch of songs like that.
I've started to notice that you narrate what is happening with the instruments and the arrangements.That's very interesting because when I record and create music I always think of the different instruments as different charactors in the musical structure.It's great to hear you put vocals and a story to the music.It's just what I would do if I had the incredible ability that you do.I've never had anyone compliment my music as well in such a perfect way.The balance is perfect.
Jolly Roger in Donkeytown was what I really needed.
I found out tuesday evening that my favorite person in the world passed away.It was my cousin Terry.She was only in her early 30's,was deaf and a diabetic but she was the kindest person in the world.
She had been dead for a week.My Aunt Susie and Uncle Chuck,her parents called me and came down from N.H. wendsday and we went to the police station.After they left I went to where my cousin lived and packed up all her belongs that didn't smell or have roaches.Most of the stuff I had to throw out.You can only imagine how bad it was but I was her best friend and the only person she really trusted.She kept to herself and never had company.She didn't drink or take drugs she just smoked cigarettes.She had a hard life as you can imagine but she was a tough bird and was very smart.She spoke very clearly and everyone who met her loved her.
It seems she tripped on her way to the bathroom and hit her head on the corner of the wall and baseboard and died instantly.
I'm starting to stablize and have started to title some recent recordings.I've got two more cassettes to do.It's the best stuff I've done yet.I'm always trying to surprise myself with what come up with.I hope to start uploading some songs next week so they start showing before the end of August which is my third year on mp3.I always try to do something special for august and Halloween and may birthday 11/27/54.
I use to like to revamp my pages ever three months but it's been impossible for over a year now.
I record so much music that by the time I can make them mp3s to me they are kinda out of date for me because I'm doing music that's to me is more recent and interesting.
I've been getting prepared for the plays I'm in a few weeks.It's gonna be a real boost to my acting experience.
I'll tell you I don't think I'll be doing another play for a long while.I've got tons of film projects that I never have time to work on.Believe it or not music is really a sideline compared to what I have with film and video projects.I bet I have as much film stuff waitng to be edited and released as I have songs on mp3.I have a lot of nature footage,friends,jams and documentaries of people and tons of footage of local jazz bands I filmed in 80's and stuff I've filmed in the last few months in my spare time.I film with just a small digital camcorder and the sound is great.I've played out at an open mic last year doing my newest music and got some of it filmed.I use to get 10 minutes every time I played which was a drag cause it takes me ten minutes to just warm up.
It's mostly college students that go to the open mic.I'm trying to get to the open mic before they come back from vacation.That way I'll have more time because not many people show up in the summer.
It kinda sucks cause most of the time I don't have any one use my camcorder and get it on film.
I always try to record myself when ever I play out.Last year I really blew peoples mind with my music.It was my first time playing at The Sugar Shack.That's the name of the place.There is no place around here to play out at.There's a jazz jam on tuesday but the musicians that run it don't care for me using my karma cause the drums and bass are already there.I could do free jazz with them in a snap but they just play standards.I have many musician friends who have followed my music for years.In fact I guess I fit in great joining mp3 cause most of the only people would appreciated my music were musicians.
I record music to get it out of my system and to always create something more interesting than before.I've got some great music coming up.
I'm glad we have the opportunity to colab.For the first time in my life I feel like I've got someone who makes my music even better than it already is thanks to you with your vocals and fantasic imagination.I rarely blow my own horn on promoting my music but I can't wait untill my assocates hear what you've done and are doing.
I've always had a great support system but the addition of you has truly made creating music more worthwhile.
One last thing.I noticed that you have a good thing going with all your songs being alone in your region.
For me its one thing that makes mp3 interesting seeing how the songs are charting in my local region.Since most of the songs are mine I know what songs are being played.
I'm gonna try to convert some song files before Tube time.
I'm sure my cousin Terry is looking down smiling and mostly likely going to be able to hear my music after all.
Have a great weekend.
Your friend and Colab
P.S. I've attached a post I did a while ago that you might have missed.

Haha! Thanks for asking me about emails. I found some from July and August that I didn't delete because they had slipped over into page 2 of my archived mail. Sending them now.

............... Trio

Hi Lenny,
First of all, I am really sorry to hear about your cousin's death. If you are like my family, you probably played together as kids. I know it would make me feel awful if any of my cousins die.
>>>>>>Thank you for your kind thoughts.I did spend some time with my cousin Terry when I was young but not that much.I was her best friend for the last five years and the only one who was not put off by her sometimes angry attitude.I'm going to having tons of projects involving things about her and all the good things she did.Her memory and influence will always live on with me and my family.
Yes, your music does seem very character oriented. That appeals to me and makes it fun to narrate over. I do get the feeling that you are putting on a play and I have been called in to do one of the parts.
>>>>I've got two roles.One in a scene from the Temptest as Caliban
and as Lomov in the Marriage Proposal (attached)
I have to warn you that I tend to get interested in something intensely for a few days then move on to something else and then come back to that interest later. In other words, you won't see a steady stream of collaborations coming from me. More like bursts of a few, then an empty stretch, then another burst, and so on.
>>>I understand I'm the same way.
But I have downloaded quite a few of your tracks and still have many tracks to listen to, so I am in awe of the huge resource of music files that you have at!
>>>>I'm just glad to have an audience even if it is other musicians which I think is even better.
And more on the way! It's like the magic moneybag that is never empty! Ahhh, if it was only a MONEYbag, eh? Just joking... I don't even daydream about making money from music. Haha!
>>>>>>I don't have any daydreams about making any money from my music either.I just want to make it available to the public in some way.My main interest is film anyways but mp3 has made me a much better musician and in a lot of ways a better person because of the community of musicians.
Many years ago when I was a kid I had a little jazz band in Wilmington, Delaware, but I played trumpet then. We weren't any good, but I did get to experience live playing for an audience and that was exciting. Then came years and years of no music and then the cheap portable keyboards came on the market and I got interested again.
You do a great job with your cheap portable keyboards.I know where you are coming from.I started with the first small casio in the 80's then got a few other keybords with auto accompanyment and in the 90's got into using korg workstations.
I have occasionally thought about playing live now, but so far haven't made any serious effort. I had been recording my stuff for fun until I bought a computer last year and discovered Since it was free, I thought why not upload my recordings. I didn't expect them to appeal to the trance, rock, and techno crowd. And they don't. Haha! But I find that it's satisfying to me to know that my stuff ends up somewhere besides my desk drawer. Actually, if I hadn't received an email from a listener right after I uploaded the first few tracks, I probably would have stopped there. But that little bit of feedback spurred me on. It was a good omen, a sign to continue. So here I am.
>>>>That's the great thing about mp3 at least someone is listening and the community for the most part is concerned about listen to other artists and maybe growing from that.We may not make a lot of money but we'll have a lot of fun and I'm sure further develop a deep friendship and a constant respect for one another.What more could a musician ask for?Maybe some recording artists want to be famous and be noticed but what I would call real musicians just want to be creative for its own sake without that ego bs.To me if making music is anything it is first of all a service to humanity esp on mp3.most folks may not like,get in or have the opportunity to hear it but the few that do are certainly effected.
You are a breath of fresh air.You have to be the most talented person I've ever collab with and respect you more than you could imagine.Even if you never did another colab with me just having what you've done so far has made me free like a real musician for once in my life.
I am amazed by the number and variety of projects that you are involved in. I imagine your motivation runs so deep that you have no idea why, you just know you have to do it.
>>>>If i had four clones and six assistants working full time and don't have to work two jobs to make ends meet I would still not be caught up in a year on all the things I could do and hope to get to.But I keep creating and doing what I can.After the play ends in the end of August I'll have more time to devote to some of the projects.
Someone sent me an email that they had done a video for "Mumbly Bumbly"... Was that you? I was unable to download the file - about 15Meg - and then the link stopped working. If it wasn't you, I'll find the email and send you a copy.
>>>>>That wasn't me but That song is one of my favorites.I'ld like to see it though.Your music and what you do is perfect for video and film.Very real and extremely expressive.I'ld like to do something with your music and certainly make our colab top priority.
I haven't even started learning the editing process of film.I just have tons of projects.I collect most of it but haven't even had time to look at some of it.It's like music.I just keep recording and listen to the cassettes when I make mp3s out of them and name the songs.That's the same thing I do with film but I never get a chance to do anything with it because of time and other projects that come up.I'm just grateful to be so create and get it out of my system and have a few people and friends check it out.
Lenny, do you have any tracks that are dialogues? If you would pretend to be two people talking and record it dry with no reverb and no background music, then I could slice it apart and insert my own voice as part of the dialogue. It might work, it might not. Then you could add background sound to the finished track. A possible subject is two guys meeting up after many years - seems they both played in a jazz band together when they were kids, then went their separate ways. That would be a realism style track. Or it could be something bizarre, zany, or science fictional. There are NO limits! Except pornography. I don't do pornography or four letter words.
>>>>>Great idea.I started a station for you but it seems mp3 is out of wack again but there are a few things on my invisible theater page.
A few songs may beBeta beat poem,Egg beat poem,the beach,the beat.the looks and beatnic banquet.
Maybe that could give you some ideas.
I know what you are talking about and I can record some stuff this week with just vocals with the concept you have in mine.I think its a great idea and I'm honored you would suggest it.I'll have a ton of material soon.It will be fun and exciting.
I'm not into talking about porn and don't use four letter words in my recording.Some times I even use fig if I neeed to say fuck.I know where you are coming from and I agree.Not only does it limit the audience we would want and care about, it also doesn't add anything to the flavor of what we are about,our being and what we would feel is best for humanity esp in this time of history.Thanks for another great boost in my moral.
About the regional thing. Yeah, I found it odd that no one else from Columbia was on Especially since smaller cities in SC have several bands each listed. And Columbia is 300,000 people with a large university, too. Very odd...
>>>>>If you check it out more you'll find that there are more sections of the where you live(different parts of town)that you are not in but have bands on mp3.This is a great thing that mp3 thought of years ago for some reason.I think the bigger the city the more sections it has on mp3 and of course how many artists.
I'm gonna go do a liitle food shopping and try getting those lines down by Monday.I've taken a few days off and will be helping make the set for the plays.We have rehearsals all week.
See you in the future ................ TRIO
>>>>>>You bet.It looks brighter every day..........Lenny
Hi Trio,
Thank You for the card.Jolly Roger in Donkeytown is the best thing I've ever heard.I can't tell you how much joy it has brought to me hearing it and you doing it.
The song Jolly Roger is part of a recording phase I went through a few years ago.I've got a bunch of songs like that.
I've started to notice that you narrate what is happening with the instruments and the arrangements.That's very interesting because when I record and create music I always think of the different instruments as different charactors in the musical structure.It's great to hear you put vocals and a story to the music.It's just what I would do if I had the incredible ability that you do.I've never had anyone compliment my music as well in such a perfect way.The balance is perfect.
Jolly Roger in Donkeytown was what I really needed.
I found out tuesday evening that my favorite person in the world passed away.It was my cousin Terry.She was only in her early 30's,was deaf and a diabetic but she was the kindest person in the world.
She had been dead for a week.My Aunt Susie and Uncle Chuck,her parents called me and came down from N.H. wendsday and we went to the police station.After they left I went to where my cousin lived and packed up all her belongs that didn't smell or have roaches.Most of the stuff I had to throw out.You can only imagine how bad it was but I was her best friend and the only person she really trusted.She kept to herself and never had company.She didn't drink or take drugs she just smoked cigarettes.She had a hard life as you can imagine but she was a tough bird and was very smart.She spoke very clearly and everyone who met her loved her.
It seems she tripped on her way to the bathroom and hit her head on the corner of the wall and baseboard and died instantly.
I'm starting to stablize and have started to title some recent recordings.I've got two more cassettes to do.It's the best stuff I've done yet.I'm always trying to surprise myself with what come up with.I hope to start uploading some songs next week so they start showing before the end of August which is my third year on mp3.I always try to do something special for august and Halloween and may birthday 11/27/54.
I use to like to revamp my pages ever three months but it's been impossible for over a year now.
I record so much music that by the time I can make them mp3s to me they are kinda out of date for me because I'm doing music that's to me is more recent and interesting.
I've been getting prepared for the plays I'm in a few weeks.It's gonna be a real boost to my acting experience.
I'll tell you I don't think I'll be doing another play for a long while.I've got tons of film projects that I never have time to work on.Believe it or not music is really a sideline compared to what I have with film and video projects.I bet I have as much film stuff waitng to be edited and released as I have songs on mp3.I have a lot of nature footage,friends,jams and documentaries of people and tons of footage of local jazz bands I filmed in 80's and stuff I've filmed in the last few months in my spare time.I film with just a small digital camcorder and the sound is great.I've played out at an open mic last year doing my newest music and got some of it filmed.I use to get 10 minutes every time I played which was a drag cause it takes me ten minutes to just warm up.
It's mostly college students that go to the open mic.I'm trying to get to the open mic before they come back from vacation.That way I'll have more time because not many people show up in the summer.
It kinda sucks cause most of the time I don't have any one use my camcorder and get it on film.
I always try to record myself when ever I play out.Last year I really blew peoples mind with my music.It was my first time playing at The Sugar Shack.That's the name of the place.There is no place around here to play out at.There's a jazz jam on tuesday but the musicians that run it don't care for me using my karma cause the drums and bass are already there.I could do free jazz with them in a snap but they just play standards.I have many musician friends who have followed my music for years.In fact I guess I fit in great joining mp3 cause most of the only people would appreciated my music were musicians.
I record music to get it out of my system and to always create something more interesting than before.I've got some great music coming up.
I'm glad we have the opportunity to colab.For the first time in my life I feel like I've got someone who makes my music even better than it already is thanks to you with your vocals and fantasic imagination.I rarely blow my own horn on promoting my music but I can't wait untill my assocates hear what you've done and are doing.
I've always had a great support system but the addition of you has truly made creating music more worthwhile.
One last thing.I noticed that you have a good thing going with all your songs being alone in your region.
For me its one thing that makes mp3 interesting seeing how the songs are charting in my local region.Since most of the songs are mine I know what songs are being played.
I'm gonna try to convert some song files before Tube time.
I'm sure my cousin Terry is looking down smiling and mostly likely going to be able to hear my music after all.
Have a great weekend.
Your friend and Colab
P.S. I've attached a post I did a while ago that you might have missed.
Subject: Re: Mumbly Bumbly video

Hi Trio,
I'll check out that site when I get a chance.
I started writting a short bio for one of your ideas and have attached it.It's just a quick bio.If you have any changes or suggestions let me know.Just something to look at.

Subject: Mumbly Bumbly video
Here is that email I mentioned. Naturally I was curious to see it. I tried to play it with Windows Media Player, but that didn't work, so I downloaded the divx codec and I was able to play a short demo video on the divx site. I still couldn't play his video direct off the net, though, so I went to his page and started downloading it - a 90 min download for a 15meg file. But about 60min into the download I lost my internet connection and gave up in disgust.
I don't mess with video on the internet. It's too much trouble. A 90min download for a one minute video?!
I don't know if you have a fast connection or not. Maybe you can see the video. I emailed him and told him I hadn't seen it, but admired the effort it must have taken to make it.
.......................... TRIO .................................

I made a little video thing for "mumbly bumbly"

see it at:

you're going to need to download the divx codec though:

tell me what you think.


Matt Ostgard
Subject: Re: Two guys meeting up after many years
Hi Trio,
First of all.I realized that I miss read this when I read it the second time when I replyed to it.
Yes, your music does seem very character oriented. That appeals to me and makes it fun to narrate over. I do get the feeling that you are putting on a play and I have been called in to do one of the parts.

>>>>>I'm glad you feel that way.It's true and to me you're a top knotch musician and a vital componet in what I enjoy doing most.I feel like I've finally found someone who is a true creative equal.
Subject: Two guys meeting up after many years
Your bio document was cool. Almost too real.
I don't know if I could be a "Dino Costello" voice or not. Can't hurt to try.
>>>> It wasn't a requirement in the theme to be Dino.I just wanted to use that name and a bit of your bio.I thought that you could always think of a few other members of the Tony D experience and name them and choose one that feels comfortable with.I like the tony idea.I'll answer the questions.
I really like all your Tony d'Wonderful stuff. All the jazzy stuff you do about clubs and musicians.
Hey, I just had an idea. I could be a reporter for the Atlanta Journal entertainment section doing an interview of Tony. Tony just won an award and the Atlanta Journal reporter is interviewing him. But the reporter never heard of Tony before, so he doesn't know anything about him.
So Mr. d'Wonderful, is it OK if I call you Tony?

>>>That's okay.Most of my friends and fans call me Tony D.There are a million Tonys' out there but there's only one Tony D.I was born the way I am and I intend to stay that way.Just a regular Joe trying to do what he loves for who ever will listen.
How do you feel about winning the Jazz Club Owners' Association award for the Most Entertaining Jazz Artist of 2002?
>>>> I feel honored to be chosen over all the other great artists out there.I've admired so many of them over the years and have learned so much from them.
Little Larry and The Mobile HomeWreckers, who was also nominated,is the best band to ever emerge out of the trailer park scene.I remember the days when he played with Jelly Roll Hurt'in.I don't know how many years he played with him in the inspection bay of Big Louies Mobil station.It wasn't a club or as good as playing the trailer parks but there were times when Big Louie wasn't working on a car in the other bay and they could fit 15 maybe 20 people inside.
One night about 1:00 in the morning while the band was jamming on a John Lee Hooker tune some biker friends of Big Louie came in for gas and started some crap about a solo that Little Larry was doing.They were all drunk or high and started up all their bikes by the bay door to drown out the band.When Jelly closed the bay door they started throwing beer bottles at the door and broke all the windows.After that Big Louie stopped having bands play in his gas station and Little Larry went back to the trailer park were he lived with his mother,four brothers and 14 cats and eventually started a band of his own from other musicians who lived in the trailer park.Today he's the biggest draw at all of the trailer parks he plays at.Although he plays mostly where there are over 20 units he still finds the time to play at places that may have 5.He's a humble guy and a hell of a harp player.
I could go on and on about all the great talents that were not selected.Fat Wally and the Empty Buckets,who puts out a can for tips,Sloopy Sally and the A Cups, Handsome Herbie and his Boogie Boys but I know you have a few more questions.
Tony, when you were growing up, when did you first know you wanted to be a jazz musician?
To be continued......
I can see long answers to those two questions!
And the "interview" bit might fit together with the "meeting" bit. Maybe Dino and Tony are both in town because of the awards ceremony?
Great Idea!
Well, let the ideas keep coming, eh? But right now it's bedtime.
Talk with you later ................. TRIO .......................
It's a long week of rehearsals for the plays.I'll get back this as soon as I can.
Subject: Re: Your reply to "Two guys, etc....."

Hi Trio,
Just a quick note.I've got to get the rehearsal.
The stories on mp3 wrre read by a friend of mine Jimmy Cennamo.If you go to my home page you'll see them and other stories.
Talk to you soon

Hahaha! Lenny, your Tony D stuff is just as funny on paper as it is when you hear it.
Have you done any writing or thought about writing down some Tony D episodes?
Well, I answered my own question by going back to Laughing Some great writing there. I didn't see much on Tony D, but I read the Vito Vaselini story. Wow, that's a bummer, but you have that spark of humor in there that lightens it up enough to be bearable. I feel that you have a deep sympathy for the ways people's lives can turn out, no matter how undesirable their life may seem to be.
But in your email that whole shtick about Little Larry and the Mobile Home Wreckers and the rest was hilarious!
That suggests another entire bit based on the awards ceremony itself. This is turning into an epic - "New England Jazz" - which should also be a genre on!
Well, I'll let your coffee brain get back to percolating on your many interests. This Southern boy gets tired out if he has more than three ideas a day.
Until later .............................. TRIO ............................
Subject: An Fan has sent you an email!
The following message was sent to you from a visitor to your
page on is not responsible for its content.

Hi Trio,

I read your reply to my post about cd covers.

I've seen what you do and I think you may be able to pull it off.

Here are some other ideas you may want to think about.

If you could do cartoons of all the artists on the cd it would be an idea.I could send you the band photos if you wanted or maybe just a few.The other idea that may be simpler is to take the bands photos and arrange them on the cover.I don't know much about working with photo shop or other programs that can do this.

I'm interested in any thing you can come up with esp since you are also influenced by Frank Zappa.You would be a perfect addition to the family.

E-mail me whenever you get a chance.


Subject: Re: Animation
Hi Trio,
I don't see why we couldn't find someone that already does it well.We've got three great discriptive songs.
I haven't even learned how to do html codes to create highlighted links.I'll start working on it next week and put some feelers out there.I don't know why we can't get a three way partnership going with someone.
I'm getting closer on getting my lines down.I also have a bad memory so it's really a struggle.I'm the type of actor that needs to know his lines and blocking(where and when I move)before I feel at ease.The show opens thursday but we're having a small group in the theater on wendsday just to get the feel of a live audience.
I also prefer improv and have studied many different forms of it.I really don't enjoy being in plays that much I just like the challenge.This is going to be my last play for a long time.
Hey! I've got a weird thing that happen.Yesterday when I got home I have a message from Little Jimmy and the Homewreckers.I haven't heard from him in years.Maybe he felt the vibe of the Little Larry and The Mobile Homewreckers story.They were my favorite local blues band for over 20 years now.They broke up a few times.Maybe they are getting back together.My favorite song they did was called Help Me.It's by Sonny Boy Williamson.I can't wait to fill him in on what's been going on the past three years.
Subject: Animation
------------------------------------ You said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What you've done with your narration of my instrumentals gave me a thought.
All your narrations add so much that now they seem perfect for animation or cartoon plots. We should start looking for someone who is interested in doing that. I think it would be great.
I'll be clear to do more things after this production is under way.
Yeah, I've been thinking animation for a long time. A lot of work to get all those image frames made, but if I can get hold of a low cost easy-to-use animation program, I intend to give it a try. And I am thinking I might be able to do stop-motion animation just using an ordinary PC camera and the Windows MovieMaker software that came with WindowsXP, but it uses up as much memory as a regular video. I don't know anything about Flash and the other web animation techniques. That's on my list of things to investigate. There is just so so much technical detail to learn. I keep discovering features in my audio recording software that I had no idea were in there. I don't want to try to learn animation when I haven't even mastered the software I already own...
Hope you learn all those lines. I could never be in a play because of my bad memory. I would have to only do improv.
If they still say "Break a leg!" then break one! If they don't, then good luck with the show.
.................................... TRIO ................................
Subject: Re: Doctor Pervert Warning
Man of Man of man.Do I love your our latest colab.I just uploaded some new updates songs on mp3 on the Captain Weirdo page and Invisible theate page.Should be there in a week.Should be there in a week.
Tonight was the first night of the plays.Opening night.
I'll fill you in what's going on and the drama of the atmosphere.
I'm gonna do some recording before I go to bed.
Subject: Doctor Pervert Warning
I was playing around with some of your tracks today.
I have attached the mp3 file. It sounds like the start of a longer track, but I don't have a finish for it...
So I don't know if it will ever get uploaded to But since this is the first time both our voices are on the same track, I thought I would send you the mp3 file.
Hope the play is going well............... TRIO ........................
Hi Trio,

It's been a busy summer but I finally got the COI cd on a site.Here's the url.

The CD Baby page is ready for The Children Of Invention: Music Only A Mother Could Love


I'll catch up with you soon.

Subject: Re: EarWorm Animation Video
Hi Lenny,
Hope this finds you well and happy. It must be getting cold up there about now. This is my favorite time of year here since I don't need to run the air conditioner or the heater.
>>>>>>Hi Trio
I'm doing good.It's starting to get cold up here.My cat enjoys looking out the open window so I keep two windows open for her when I can.Heat is included in my rent and my apartment was built well with a good heating system so having the windows open doesn't really loose that much heat.My lawn mowing season is almost over.That will be a relief.I get burnt out by the end of the season.
I abandoned music (temporarily) about a month ago and started learning animation and video. I knew my paint program had an animated GIF feature, but I hadn't ever tried it because my idea of animated GIFs has always been those little 3 or 4 frame animations that you see on web pages. But when I dipped into the program, I found that it was capable of long animations.
>>>>I wish I could get away from music for a while and do more film stuff.I've sent two cassettes off to my friend Stormy in Calif to titled the songs.He's done one and sent me the songs titles.I processed the files and made mp3s of the songs last night and put a few on mp3.I've got one more full cassette to title of my most recent stuff that I need to process and make into mp3s.Maybe after that I'll be content for a while.
I've always thought it would be interesting to do animation.I can imagine how time involved it is.I kinda miss doing the digital paintings with fireworks.That how i first got the idea of trying to do animation with it but it looks really complicated.
I really enjoyed your animation.You've got a pleasant style with your creativity in every thing I've seen and heard you do.
It would be nice if there was a animation program that would be simple to create decent animation that had short cuts in some of the processes.I don't know anything about it but it's starting to interest me more seeing what you've done.
Included with WindowsXP is the WindowsMovieMaker program which will accept animated GIFs as input. So unknown to me I already had a set of software tools on my computer.
Although both pieces of software are easy to use, the actual task of making an animation is just as tedious as I thought it would be. It's fun now because I am new to it, but I wouldn't want to do it as a fulltime job.
>>>>>Here's a site I found with interesting animation.
Anyway. the attached clip - Coming Soon From Grabbox Video - is some of the little pieces that I made learning to use this stuff. I don't know how far I will go with it. Making a 60 second cartoon would be a major project and I have no deep motivation to put out so much effort for such a small result. Especially since there are a boatload of super animators out there working in 3D and so forth. However, I wouldn't mind making a crude cartoon with my limited skills if it entertains me.
I have checked out a lot of videos on the web. I use the DivX search page. It seems to be the most powerful and to find the most movies. I filter out the porn since there is plenty of those clips out there. I have found a few good clips, but they are mostly TV ads from foreign countries. A lot of skill goes into those ads. Hopefully they will teach me something about how to tell a story in 60seconds or less.
How are you going to use your video footage? Will you make a DVD? Will you put clips on the internet? Are you recording with a digital camera? Have you done any video editing yet?
>>>>>>>I just gave my production partner Dave two dv cassettes to use in his video projects.If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have anything to present to the public.He's been into video editing for a while now.He did a project for me he called the Lance Gargoyle Story.It has several good videos on it.It's an hour long.He's got his second project almost completed.It's two hours of videos of his music and some bands he knows and some footage and music of mine.He's really into it and it's looks great.He's always buying new programs.He got a cartoon program his working with now.I can't wait to see what he does with it.
A few years ago I started to put some short video clips on a site but the process was so involved because I used Quick time and had to upload the files in three different formats.They never looked that good on the site so I never continued.If I did put anything again on a video site I've got the Videos Dave did and some live footage from last year at the Sugar Shack.
I've got a Panisonic Digital Camera I've been using for a few years now.I got an I-mac with the i movie a while back and started doing some editing with that but it was so time consuming I had to lay off it before I got to know really well.
I've been waiting all summer to take my vacation.I hope to be able to get it soon.I'll put some time in then.If I don't have several 6 or 8 hour blocks to work with I can't get enough momentum to get anything completed.
Dave is working on putting our productions on DVD.
If I find a good site I'll start processing and uploading video to that site.I'm sure Dave may have a few sites in mind.His motivation in making videos is the ones he does of his music are going to be sent along with his music to music companies.We are mainly working with VHS and super VHS for the time being.
He does all the production with a computer program called Vegas Video and then puts them on DV tapes or super VHS for the masters.
Let's talk video! Any sites to recommend? And keep me up-to-date on what you are doing with your video.
I'm sure Dave knows some sites.I'll forward your e-mail to him and get some info.
I've finished my first cd of The Other Orchestra.I put three vocals on it.Two were Jolly Roger in Donkey Town and Shakes Rollie and me.
Here's the song list.
1.Frankenzappa 2.Bread Like Apes 3.Bass Droppings 4.Happenstance 5.Madness Control 6.The Other Orchestra 7.Jolly Roger In Donkeytown 8.Another Dive 9.Joey Peppers 10.Sidecar At The Flame 11.Sad Day 12.Mrs. Lincoln's Thread 13. Goodbye Terry We Love You 14.Yvonne 15.Jean Luc 16.ELP 17.Carrier of Light 18.Elixer of Dawn 19. Fused Art 20.Irish Erotica 21.Shakes Rollie and Me 22.Operant Rats 23.Rosso Antico
24.The Most Plentiful Ingredient
I them for Dave and he loved both of them and wants to do a video of Jolly Roger in Donkeytown.He e-mailed me and asked me if I would ask you if you would send some footage of yourself for the video.I told him I didn't think it would something you would be interested in.You seem like you enjoy keeping a low profile.We're gonna make other plans but if it is something you would approve of let me know.
Those are the two songs that I want to make something with the most.
Everyone that hears them really enjoy them.I played them for my mother last weekend when I saw her for her birthday.
Dave is gonna have a ball with Jolly Roger in Donkeytown.
I've got a movie called The Last Castle that I'm gonna watch.
I'll be back at you soon with more updates.
Oh, and I did finally download that clip by the guy who animated "Mumbly Bumbly". It was basically a dancing monkey. I got the impression that he was a student learning to use a 3D program. That he had created the monkey and needed an excuse to make it do something. Hey, I was happy to help!
Okay, I'll see you later ........................... TRIO .................................

Subject: Something of interest
Hi Trio,
I went to the video site that has my clips and found this article I found interesting.
Subject: Re: Reply to your reply - TRIO

Hi Trio,
I'm gonna e-mail Dave your e-mails.He can fill you in on whatever you need to know.
Thanks for the animation info.I got my vacation approved for the middle of next week and the following week.You got me inspired to start checking this animation stuff out and maybe doing some during that time.
I don't know much of the fine details but I'll be doing a lot with Dave while I'm on vacation so I'll be learning a lot of new info also.

Subject: Reply to your reply - TRIO
I've always thought it would be interesting to do animation. I can imagine how time involved it is. I kinda miss doing the digital paintings with fireworks. That how i first got the idea of trying to do animation with it but it looks really complicated.
I really enjoyed your animation. You've got a pleasant style with your creativity in every thing I've seen and heard you do.
******** Thanks, Lenny. You always have good supportive comments to make.
It would be nice if there was a animation program that would be simple to create decent animation that had short cuts in some of the processes. I don't know anything about it but it's starting to interest me more seeing what you've done.
********* I don't know anything about specific programs, but I understand that most of the advanced ones have a feature that will interpolate between two frames for you. In other words, you might only have to create half the frames and the program would come up with frames to fill in between your frames.
Also, there is the TV anime style of animation where a lot of the time nothing moves but the character's mouth. Definitely a shortcut there!
And then there are the Flash type programs that have some script language doing some of the actual drawing. Those are more appealing to programmer types. They have a very clean jazzy look when done well.
The most time-consuming is Disney style animation where every frame is a separate illustration. A minimum of 700 drawings per minute of movie! Yikes! No wonder they work in teams.
>>>>>Here's a site I found with interesting animation.
********** I will be checking it out tonight.
He's always buying new programs.He got a cartoon program his working with now.I can't wait to see what he does with it.
******** Ask him about cheap programs for animation. Under $200. The big programs are priced at several grand!!!
A few years ago I started to put some short video clips on a site but the process was so involved because I used Quick time and had to upload the files in three different formats.They never looked that good on the site so I never continued.If I did put anything again on a video site I've got the Videos Dave did and some live footage from last year at the Sugar Shack.
******** I checked out's movie site called! They are all streaming movies - you can't download them. That sucks as far as I am concerned, although I liked the movies I saw. Many people there use Flash for animation which has it's own unique appearance. But unless you have a fast connection, streaming moves just don't cut it.
Let's talk video! Any sites to recommend? And keep me up-to-date on what you are doing with your video.
I'm sure Dave knows some sites.I'll forward your e-mail to him and get some info.
****** Great!
I've finished my first cd of The Other Orchestra.I put three vocals on it.Two were Jolly Roger in Donkey Town and Shakes Rollie and me.

I them for Dave and he loved both of them and wants to do a video of Jolly Roger in Donkeytown.He e-mailed me and asked me if I would ask you if you would send some footage of yourself for the video.I told him I didn't think it would something you would be interested in. You seem like you enjoy keeping a low profile.We're gonna make other plans but if it is something you would approve of let me know.
Those are the two songs that I want to make something with the most.
Everyone that hears them really enjoy them.I played them for my mother last weekend when I saw her for her birthday.
Dave is gonna have a ball with Jolly Roger in Donkeytown.
I've got a movie called The Last Castle that I'm gonna watch.
I'll be back at you soon with more updates.
****** Dave sounds like a good man to know. Good luck on the video. I am so glad that you find my vocals useful. I hope I can do some more for you.
You are right about the low profile, though. I don't won't to see myself in a video. If I find a clip I think he might like, what format should it be in? Is 320x240 big enough? Or does it have to be bigger?
Talk again later .................................. TRIO ....................................
Subject: Re: Mercury from Trio
Hi Trio,
Dave e-mailed me about his suggestion.I was a little annoyed about him pressing the issue of getting footage from you.
I talked to him tonite and he said he wanted to ask you if he could use Mercury on the scatterbox videos.I said I didn't know but it wouldn't hurt to ask.The scatterbox video is something Dave is putting together of various bands including his music and some of mine and other bands with different styles.
I give Dave a bunch of music files and footage and he goes to town.He's been doing some nery interesting stuff.The Scatterbrain is going to be two hours of music videos.
My projects are different than Daves.I'm into documentaries,nature footage,live music I've done last year and whatever else develops.I'm going to be doing Jolly Roger in Donkeytown myself as my first video project.I hope to get footage of some actress I know doing the parts as the Donkey voiced women if I can.It makes much more sense for me to do your part or get someone else to play the role on video.
I'm going to be able to get caught up on several projects while on vacation.
I like your new video.The last one with the guy dancing reminded me of these things artists put with their messages on the mp3 bb.
I'm getting interested in doing something with animation but I can't draw very well at all.I'm sure if I start doing it I'll create my own technique and style anyways.
I'll caught up with you later.
I'm on vacation after tuesday
Subject: Mercury from Trio
Hi Lenny,
Dave emailed me and asked about being in a video but I am still low profile.
He said the name of one of your mutual projects was "ScatterBrain JukeBox" - cool title!
I am still playing with animation. Another clip attached - "Mecury".
It's not much but I am working up to something better --- I hope!
See you later ....................... TRIO .........................................
Subject: Re: DISASTER
Hello, Lenny,
Well, I am sorry to hear about the loss. And you had just installed that CD burner! I guess you are wishing that you had backed up everything to CDs.
>>>>>>The only thing I lost was my e-mail history which I shouldn't have lost if Dave would had remembered to save my e-mails.Let me know if you have any e-mails that you received from me or sent or replyed to that you haven't totally deleted yet.
You can download my shorts from my Yahoo Group called IttyBittyMovies. I'll send you an invitation from the group so you can join. You don't have to go through the Yahoo ID process unless you want to. Just your email address will get you in. But a Yahoo ID is no problem. It's free and includes a free web page and a free email account. And you can click boxes to avoid being sent any spam, even from Yahoo. I have several Yahoo accounts and they work perfectly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>I went to the site and got what I was missing.It looks like a good set up.
Well, I hope you get back to normal soon. And I really, really hope that the Dazzle adapter didn't cause your problem. Then I would feel like I contributed to the disaster!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The main cause of the disaster was caused by my inexperience with performing certain functions.The distress came from losing those e-mails which shouldn't have happened and wouldn't have happened if someone else had reinstalled my windows 98 for me like my back up computer person Mike(the guy that gave me the video files).
I'm listening to your cd now.I'm gonna do some painting.
I'll fill you in on the the fest in my next e-mail.
............................ Trio
Hi Trio,
I did something wrong with my computer than screwed it up so much that I had to reinstall windows 98.Dave moved all my files on my d drive so I didn't lose that but he forgot to save me e-mails and I lost four years of contacts,all my e-mails I've saved from the beginning of my internet history.As you might have noticed my e-mails were my journals besides being communications that's why I said so much about myself.Losing them was equal to losing 1/4 of everything I've done in three years.
I had Dave come over twice and another friend Mike once
to help reinstall all my programs,and get everything back to normal.It was a horrorshow.If I hadn't lost all those e-mails(my Data Base) I would have been able to handle it better.The only think right now that gets me feeling better and back in gear is understanding and realizing that everything I lost is very little compared to what other people have and what I stll have left.I've learned to live with disappointment for so long I guess I can handle another couple of pounds.
Can you send me your last few shorts too.I'll make a list of what I have to make sure I have all of them.
Wow! What happened, Lenny? I am sending emails now.
........................ Trio
Hi Trio,
I had big trouble with my computer yesterday and lost all my past e-mails I've collected over the years.
Could you please send your last e-mails again.I got them but my system wasn't back up and running right and I lost them to.
Its been two of the worse days I've had in a long time.
I lost all my contacts I've collected over the years so I have start from scratch and contact whoever I can.
Everything is back to normal now.
I got fireworks back and your cd.Send me your e-mails to me for the last two days again.
OK Lenny,
I am downloading them now.
................ Trio
Subject: Once Upon A Time#1
Hey Trio,
I've been doing some more paintings and I think I've caught on about your idea of using my paintings in a story.I'm going to send you some today that might go well together in a short.Looking at them I can see how the title and the painting could help drive the story.It may become a good process in the future.
Here we go
Haha! They look pretty happy. What have they been drinking?
Once Upon A Time#2
This is one of my new favorites.
This one seems to be a message in some strange language.
Hey Trio,
I've been doing some more paintings and I think I've caught on about your idea of using my paintings in a story.I'm going to send you some today that might go well together in a short.Looking at them I can see how the title and the painting could help drive the story.It may become a good process in the future.
Here we go
Spongebob is on in the other room.I'm gonna go see if its one I haven't seen.
Yeah, he looks tough. And he seems to be threatening the Straw Man from the Rogue movies!
................ Trio
Hello Lenny,
Yeah, my email account only holds 2 megabytes so it doesn't take much to overload it. I check it everyday and keep it cleared out.
Your pics look great. Feels good to be on an inspiration kick, doesn't it? That's the way I am. Sometimes the ideas are really flowing and other times the well is dry.
Room 202 was the only movie even close to a minute long. I think X-3 is only 30 or 40 seconds. Maybe it didn't matter and the movie just had to be under a minute. Also X-3 has the sexual element in it - not exactly family friendly.
Did you see any R-rated movies in the mix? They advertised 60 movies in 60 minutes. Wow! I can't wait to see it.
You know I am dependant on Dave for converting Room 202 to tape so that it could be entered - not an easy task - so I am comfortable with him deciding which movie to enter and how many to enter.
I bet the One Minute Festival did give you a lot of ideas. That's why I so much want to see it.
Johnny Cash video? No, haven't seen it.
Trigger Happy on the Comedy Channel? No, I am not connected to cable. I know! I am way behind the times! Haha! I don't even have a DVD player yet. And I just got on the internet last year. Even some of my older relatives got on the net before I did. Well, I just have to catch up with you modern folks.
.................. Trio
Subject: Re: Once Upon A Time#2
Hi Trio,
I think I overloaded your e-mail account.I got some returned e-mails.Sorry I got carried away.
I really went to town yesterday and got inspired.Once I get a technique I like I really get into it.
Friday was a good experience.The Revolving Museum had a very nice exhibit called Toys in Playland.I'm gonna go and check it out again.The film Fest at Evo had some good results.I met someone who I hadn't seen in years.He was sent a postcard about the event and thought he was excepted so he took the night off from work and came.He found out that His submission was going to be accepted by they couldn't access or get it off the DVD he sent.He was really bummed out but I told him that him and I wouldn't had met up again after over 10 years if it didn't happen and we've both come along way in ten years.His name is Matt and were gonna start getting together soon.
The place they had the film fest was packed.It looked like local people from Lowell were given extra considerationon being considered for being in the film and lots of people from Lowell and the area were there.were there.
My honest review is that half of the films should have been cut because they weren't of a polished nature.The good ones are going to carry the so so ones and if it was cut in half if would be easier to watch.You should have selected X-3 instead of room 202.It went over okay but X-2 would have gotten a much better response.Some poeple had more than one film in the series.I didn't think the feature that the person that was doing it was that hot.The sound wasn't balanced through out the film and it was too long.It gave me a lot of ideas though.Dave told me that they broadcasted it last weekend before the fest.Too bad he didn't think of recording it so I could see it and send it to you.A DVD is coming out in the summer and its going to be shown on the cable channel sometime.I'll record it when it comes on.I want to see it again soon.About 1/4 of it of really good.
Thanks for the past e-mails.They could become useful sometime down the road.
Have you seen the new Johnny Cash Video?It's really out of this world and kinda spooky.I want to see it again.
Have you ever watched Trigger Happy on the Comedy Channel on Monday at 10:00 p.m.?It's a British Program that gives me a lot of ideas of what I've been wanting to do around my area.
I'll try to send the paintings you might have not gotten.It's only a few but you may get a repeat.
Subject: Re: Once Upon A Time#2
Haha! They look pretty happy. What have they been drinking?
It reminded me of hieroglyphics and got me thinking: You know this could be a message in some alien pictorial language.
Subject: Re: Dandyland
I never know what they are going to look like at the end and I title them after I make them like my music.I think the title might have been inspired by the Revolving Museum.I'll see if I can video tape the exhibit one of the times I go and see it.It was really interesting.
Hi Trio,
I think I overloaded your e-mail account.I got some returned e-mails.Sorry I got carried away.
I really went to town yesterday and got inspired.Once I get a technique I like I really get into it.
Friday was a good experience.The Revolving Museum had a very nice exhibit called Toys in Playland.I'm gonna go and check it out again.The film Fest at Evo had some good results.I met someone who I hadn't seen in years.He was sent a postcard about the event and thought he was excepted so he took the night off from work and came.He found out that His submission was going to be accepted by they couldn't access or get it off the DVD he sent.He was really bummed out but I told him that him and I wouldn't had met up again after over 10 years if it didn't happen and we've both come along way in ten years.His name is Matt and were gonna start getting together soon.
The place they had the film fest was packed.It looked like local people from Lowell were given extra considerationon being considered for being in the film and lots of people from Lowell and the area were there.were there.
My honest review is that half of the films should have been cut because they weren't of a polished nature.The good ones are going to carry the so so ones and if it was cut in half if would be easier to watch.You should have selected X-3 instead of room 202.It went over okay but X-2 would have gotten a much better response.Some poeple had more than one film in the series.I didn't think the feature that the person that was doing it was that hot.The sound wasn't balanced through out the film and it was too long.It gave me a lot of ideas though.Dave told me that they broadcasted it last weekend before the fest.Too bad he didn't think of recording it so I could see it and send it to you.A DVD is coming out in the summer and its going to be shown on the cable channel sometime.I'll record it when it comes on.I want to see it again soon.About 1/4 of it of really good.
Thanks for the past e-mails.They could become useful sometime down the road.
Have you seen the new Johnny Cash Video?It's really out of this world and kinda spooky.I want to see it again.
Have you ever watched Trigger Happy on the Comedy Channel on Monday at 10:00 p.m.?It's a British Program that gives me a lot of ideas of what I've been wanting to do around my area.
I'll try to send the paintings you might have not gotten.It's only a few but you may get a repeat.
I never know what they are going to look like at the end and I title them after I make them like my music.I think the title might have been inspired by the Revolving Museum.I'll see if I can video tape the exhibit one of the times I go and see it.It was really interesting.
Hello Lenny,
Yeah, my email account only holds 2 megabytes so it doesn't take much to overload it. I check it everyday and keep it cleared out.
Your pics look great. Feels good to be on an inspiration kick, doesn't it? That's the way I am. Sometimes the ideas are really flowing and other times the well is dry.
Room 202 was the only movie even close to a minute long. I think X-3 is only 30 or 40 seconds. Maybe it didn't matter and the movie just had to be under a minute. Also X-3 has the sexual element in it - not exactly family friendly.
Did you see any R-rated movies in the mix? They advertised 60 movies in 60 minutes. Wow! I can't wait to see it.
>>>>>>It had some much racer stuff than I seen you do.It seemed longer than than 60 minutes and they had a break too.
You know I am dependant on Dave for converting Room 202 to tape so that it could be entered - not an easy task - so I am comfortable with him deciding which movie to enter and how many to enter.
I bet the One Minute Festival did give you a lot of ideas. That's why I so much want to see it.
Johnny Cash video? No, haven't seen it.
>>>>>>>Its played on the Country channel.If I see it again I'll record it.
Trigger Happy on the Comedy Channel? No, I am not connected to cable. I know! I am way behind the times! Haha! I don't even have a DVD player yet. And I just got on the internet last year. Even some of my older relatives got on the net before I did. Well, I just have to catch up with you modern folks.
>>>>>>>>Oh life without cable.What would I do?I don't have a DVD player either.My motto:Keep it simple.
.................. Trio

Hi Trio,
I think I overloaded your e-mail account.I got some returned e-mails.Sorry I got carried away.
I really went to town yesterday and got inspired.Once I get a technique I like I really get into it.
Friday was a good experience.The Revolving Museum had a very nice exhibit called Toys in Playland.I'm gonna go and check it out again.The film Fest at Evo had some good results.I met someone who I hadn't seen in years.He was sent a postcard about the event and thought he was excepted so he took the night off from work and came.He found out that His submission was going to be accepted by they couldn't access or get it off the DVD he sent.He was really bummed out but I told him that him and I wouldn't had met up again after over 10 years if it didn't happen and we've both come along way in ten years.His name is Matt and were gonna start getting together soon.
The place they had the film fest was packed.It looked like local people from Lowell were given extra considerationon being considered for being in the film and lots of people from Lowell and the area were there.were there.
My honest review is that half of the films should have been cut because they weren't of a polished nature.The good ones are going to carry the so so ones and if it was cut in half if would be easier to watch.You should have selected X-3 instead of room 202.It went over okay but X-2 would have gotten a much better response.Some poeple had more than one film in the series.I didn't think the feature that the person that was doing it was that hot.The sound wasn't balanced through out the film and it was too long.It gave me a lot of ideas though.Dave told me that they broadcasted it last weekend before the fest.Too bad he didn't think of recording it so I could see it and send it to you.A DVD is coming out in the summer and its going to be shown on the cable channel sometime.I'll record it when it comes on.I want to see it again soon.About 1/4 of it of really good.
Thanks for the past e-mails.They could become useful sometime down the road.
Have you seen the new Johnny Cash Video?It's really out of this world and kinda spooky.I want to see it again.
Have you ever watched Trigger Happy on the Comedy Channel on Monday at 10:00 p.m.?It's a British Program that gives me a lot of ideas of what I've been wanting to do around my area.
I'll try to send the paintings you might have not gotten.It's only a few but you may get a repeat.

Hi Lenny,
OK, I'll call you Mr Improv. Weather is great here, too. All the pear trees are in bloom and I broke out the shorts and T-shirts today since it was in the high 70s. I like my flannel shirts but soon will be time to put them away until October.
I had an etch-a-sketch once but could never draw anything with it. Actually, it's not easy to draw with anything, but most people feel a lot more comfortable with a pencil than a mouse. When pen tablets (you know - drawing directly on the monitor screen) get cheap, I'll probably switch to that.
I have been looking for SpongeBob videos at the thrift shops. Haven't found any yet, but I did pick up a Betty Boop tape that I really like. Ever see her? I read that they are making a SpongeBob movie and that they made over 65 TV episodes.
................. Trio
Subject: Re: Where were you

Hi Trio,
I'm having fun doing the new paintings.I never know what they are going to look like until they are finished.I paint the background as usual then create the charactors after.Someone told me recently about someone creating unique drawings with an Etch a Sketch with circles and everything.Remember those things?I had one when I was a kid?I do simple drawings with a continued stroke without taking the mouse off and then change it by giving the form a style that I like.Then as usual I look at it and see what the charactors or scene is saying.Actually they are easier to name than my past paintings.Now I'm starting to do the parts of the person in different strokes.It's going to be nice to have them on t-shirts someday.
I should be called Mr Improv.I do Acting Improv,Improv Music,Improv Paintings even my stories are kinda Improv Too.
I finally got 7 mp3 bands signed up for the gold service.Its a three month obligation when you sign up but that's okay.Its going to interesting to see how my activity is after all my songs are back up.I still get several plays even with just three songs.All my songs where available in lo-fi play in my local region and I did get some plays of other songs there.My Other Orchestra page at IUMA isn't doing that good but my mother's IUMA site is getting regular plays.
Its been a nice day up here and Punchie has gone out three times since I've come home.
Worm Convention was going to be just the background but it looked so complete I didn't put any charactors on top of it.I kept looking at it thinking of names.Like my music I like to find names that I think fit it but keep in mind what other people may see too.
It's SpongeBOb time.I saw saw one I hadn't seen.I'm gonna go see the second one.

Hi Trio,
Shorts! I've been wearing sweatpants under my pants for so long its gonna be great just to wear pants and light socks.
Looks like I'll be mowing lawns again this season.Its good money under the table and the customers I have are mostly elderly people who are very nice.
I never did much drawing on an etch a sketch either but the person I was told about does some amazing drawings.
I've gotten use to the mouse doing drawings.I'm not at artists and never painted excepted when I was dating Virginia years ago.Her father Charlie(whos in the inconspicous video)was painting and I did a few landscapes but they weren't that good.Virginia does some nice paintings and is one of my biggest fan.I'm glad I started that new technique.The old one had run its course.
I'm gonna start recording again but will be using my oldest Korg work station the o1Wfd as my main instrument.
Hey I don't think I mention that I remember in a past e-mail you said you finally got to hear me play guitar.I forgot to tell you that I don't think I have any guitar on any of my music on the web.All the leads are done with the o1Wfd.I had some guitar stuff on mp3 years ago but the quality of the old recordings weren't as clean as my korg work station stuff.I've got some guitar stuff that I think is okay but its hard to find.
I've recorded myself for years and have twice as many cassettes than you sent me of live recordings and tons of jams with friends.
Here's a little story.I use to jam with a guitar player named Danny St.Hillaire when I first started playing guitar.He was really good and loved jamming and just playing lead.I would play some simple chords and we would jam our ass off.Our guitar sound was always distorted so Danny came up with the name The Distortion Brothers for our jams.We got some good stuff on tape.I use to call Dannny
Dan Santana cause of his great leads.This is back in the early 1980's.I rarely play a clean guitar sound.My guitar leads are much different than my keyboard leads.My style in what I play on guitar is different too from my keyboard stuff too.
I've got a few boxes of peoples music recorded years ago from the radio too.There's so much music I've collected from the web and my own that I never listen to them unless I take a long ride but now I've got my mp3 player so its great in the car and in work.
I was reading in TV guide that Spongebob has 60 shows and the movie is gonna be out in a year or more.Nick is playing an episode that has never been shown some time this month.I've stopped recording him and have seen many I haven't gotten that are great and I kick myself in the ass.I'm gonna start recording him again to catch any I've missed.I've got four more vhs tapes of SB.I'll send you a few if you want.You may not find many in yard sales.I found one in a video store(the one I sent you)and made a few copies.
I knew you'ld get a kick out of him.My friend Dave Rawlings says he's the new Bugs Bunny.
You've got to see Trigger Happy Television.You will laugh your ass off.I've got a short vhs tape of a few shows that I made for a friend that has since gotten cable.I'll send it to you.I'm gonna start recording it every week when its on.Its the type of performance art I've been dreaming of.Its made in the UK.I'm gonna absorb the best of it and incorporate some of it into what I hope to do this summer around Lowell and the area.
I haven't seen my Aunt Susie and Uncle Chuck(Terrys parents) since Thanksgiving.I'm gonna go up Sunday to N.H.and see them.They've got my christmas present.They are about the only ones that buy me anything and it is alway perfect.I've got a very suppotive family,although I don't see them often.
Hey I'm gonna try to attach a classic sound clip that a friend gave me of messages left by his mother to his sister.
Its intense and very dramatic.
I'm looking forward to your next discovery.

Hi Lenny,
OK, I'll call you Mr Improv. Weather is great here, too. All the pear trees are in bloom and I broke out the shorts and T-shirts today since it was in the high 70s. I like my flannel shirts but soon will be time to put them away until October.
I had an etch-a-sketch once but could never draw anything with it. Actually, it's not easy to draw with anything, but most people feel a lot more comfortable with a pencil than a mouse. When pen tablets (you know - drawing directly on the monitor screen) get cheap, I'll probably switch to that.
I have been looking for SpongeBob videos at the thrift shops. Haven't found any yet, but I did pick up a Betty Boop tape that I really like. Ever see her? I read that they are making a SpongeBob movie and that they made over 65 TV episodes.
................. Trio
Thanks, Lenny
I went over to mp4 dot com and watched the video (well, the lo-fi version - I don't have a fast connection). I am not a big fan of tragic music since I don't understand it that well, but I have enjoyed some of the Johnny Cash hits of the past.
..................... Trio

Hi Trio,
All I can say is brilliant.No just because its about me but this seems like a break through to something very unique and totally original in so many ways.This may be your ticket out of absurdity for sure.
I had to look at what paintings you used so I could get all the titles and see if there was some pattern or hidden meaning.
I got Touch Panel,What's This?,Tree of Opportunity,Yard Sale,Two Sweet,Going Out,and Where were you?Knowing what the names of the paintings are gives it an added interesting feel.
I'm quite honored.I have to say that it is the best thing than anyone has ever done with something and made great use of it.I was already raving about your shorts.Wait untill they see this one.
It's almost time for Spongebob.I've been starting a new vhs tape and keeping a list of what episodes I get so I don't repeat like on the last series.
I'll get back late.
You are the greatest.
I'll be chuckling for a long while on this one.

Hi Trio,
I'm not a big fan of tragic music either but it found it kinda spooky after not seeing or hear his music in so long.
I've always listened to up music.I think people lives can be influenced by the music they listen to.
I haven't bought a cd or listened to much popular bands in 15 years.
The music I've been listening to mostly for almost four years are mp3 artists and my own.
Well it that time again.TV TIME.
Again thanks for the great short.Nice very nice.It really made my day.

Hi, Lenny
I had not thought about putting the titles together. Cool. The story I get is this:
I found a mysterious touch panel. What's this? I touched it and it opened a door into a yard. There was a yard sale going on underneath a tree of opportunity. Two sweet people were just going out. "We waited," they said. "Where were you?"
I have a folder of your tracks that I saved because they had a particular mood or atmosphere. I thought the track in "Lenny" fit your art very nicely and it was even called "Fused Art"! More of your art and music will turn up in future movies although they might not be the entire movie like "Lenny". Haha!
........................... Trio
Lenny Hall <> wrote:

Hi Trio,
All I can say is brilliant.No just because its about me but this seems like a break through to something very unique and totally original in so many ways.This may be your ticket out of absurdity for sure.
I had to look at what paintings you used so I could get all the titles and see if there was some pattern or hidden meaning.
I got Touch Panel,What's This?,Tree of Opportunity,Yard Sale,Two Sweet,Going Out,and Where were you?Knowing what the names of the paintings are gives it an added interesting feel.
I'm quite honored.I have to say that it is the best thing than anyone has ever done with something and made great use of it.I was already raving about your shorts.Wait untill they see this one.
It's almost time for Spongebob.I've been starting a new vhs tape and keeping a list of what episodes I get so I don't repeat like on the last series.
I'll get back late.
You are the greatest.
I'll be chuckling for a long while on this one.
Niceeeeeeeeeeeee!Lots of graphics.Great story line.Terrific music and narration.Everything is perfect.
Pretty soon you'll have more trio shorts than episodes of SpongeBob Squarepants.
Will there be an Earworm Movie someday?

Hi, Lenny
I think you told me you put the little movies in a playlist and play them one after another. That's what I do, too.
When "Lenny" comes up on my playlist, it's a very refreshing change of approach. You know we are both very much alike in that we like to improvise our art and music. But the end result is unique. I want to do another movie using your sound and images. Do you want to give me some suggestions? Here's what I need:
1) The background music - 30 to 50 seconds taken from one of your tracks. Since I have the CDs you sent, you can just specify which CD and the title.
2) The images - 6 to 12 jpegs of your art. Again, since I have your CD of art, all I need is the titles.
3) A title for the movie - working title is "Lenny 2" unless you have a different idea.
4) Narration - this is optional. But if you have an idea for words or dialogue it should be less than 100 words. You could email it for me to do, or, if you like, you could create your own sound file and attach that to an email as an mp3 file.
In fact you might get a kick out of creating the entire soundtrack. You have all the tools right there for putting narration and music together. Just make sure that the length is less than 50 seconds. Anything from 30 to 50 seconds is good. Then convert it to an mp3 file just like you would to send it to mp3dotcom, only attach it to an email instead and send it to me. If you use the mp3dotcom standard of 128kbps, it should be less than a megabyte in size.
Well, what do you think? Interested? Let's make a movie!

............... Trio

Hahaha! Yeah, SpongeBob did 65 episodes. I'm catching up! I really admire that SpongeBob team of animators. Great stuff... EarWorm movie? Sure! It would probably only take me about 20 years to make it. Haha! Thanks for the complements. Did you get my email about another Lenny movie?
Somebody from mp3dotcom wants a movie - Mark Hewer. He does smooth music and he didn't notice the part about doing his own artwork. But he sent me a sound clip and I will use the pics off his band page. He has been at mp3dotcom for a while. His artist number is only 88 and he has over 300,00 plays.
See you later ..................... Trio

>>>>>>>>>An important thing I think you should do is list all the paintings at the end of the song. Seeing the titles of the paintings may help people wanting to see it again. Show the titles long enough so they can read at least most of them. Just an idea...
Hi, Lenny
And a good idea it is. In my version of winmediaplayer, when the movie is over the last frame freezes on the screen. I made a little test movie to see if it works that way in yours as well. Play the "Title List Test" movie by clicking on it. If you put it in a playlist, then winmediaplayer will just jump to the next movie. Of course there is a "pause" button in winmediaplayer so that you can freeze the movie on any frame, including the last frame.

............... Trio

3) A title for the movie - working title is "Lenny 2" unless you have a different idea.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The title could be what the song is or one of the painting or something that all the painting shows.But please not Lenny 2.This project sounds like it has a different flavor.You can use your own judgement.
OK! Temporarily, like in this email, I will call it Lenny 2, but hope to have a title for it soon.

............... Trio
2) The images - 6 to 12 jpegs of your art. Again, since I have your CD of art, all I need is the titles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>.I'll start looking into my painting tomorrow and pick the ones that might go with each song and tell you the names and where they are in the Fireworks files you have or send you them if they are new ones not sent to you yet.
Sounds good, Lenny, and I am thinking that you will be inspired to create a new painting.
You said you were worried about getting lazy and repeating yourself. That's actually a good thing for movies. For instance, if you had three paintings that were similar, then they could be put together as an animation. Also, just taking the same painting and creating new versions with different colors and styles would be useful.
So don't worry about repeating yourself. That might be bad for gallery art, but it is an essential part of animation art! You can give them the same title, but number them. For instance: Party 1, Party 2, etc!
And the 6 to 12 number only applies to unique images. If you have a series of similar paintings, I can fit more in the movie since they will each be on the screen for a shorter period of time.
For example, if you had a painting Party and did 7 variations in different colors, it could display on the screen in the same 3 or 4 seconds that a single painting would, but it would have the visual excitement of the shifting colors.

............... Trio

This song is called A dive.It is one of favorites and most interesting if you were to do something with maybe more than one part.It has tons of interesting changes all through it and would make a nice series but even the first part to start would be great.
That is a good track! I want to use it for my own animation! I would use the last forty seconds to background your movie, but I think I really do want to save the first part for my own use. Ain't I selfish? Haha!
One thing I liked about the Fused Art track that backgrounds "Lenny" is the exotic beat combined with the "exploration of a mysterious place" quality about the sounds.
I'll check out some other tracks and more ideas from you are welcome. It could of course be a track that you don't think is all that great except for 30 or 40 seconds of it since that's all we need for the movie!
............... Trio

This is a short piece from my henry riddle page.It is very discriptive and is nice mood music and it is short. I don't have any song with the time you need. Could you fade out or fade in to get just the amount of music time you need.
It IS short enough, but I don't think it has enough of your personal style in it. Too much Korg and not enough you.
The length of the tracks is not a problem as long as we can clip 30 or 40 seconds out of it. Fading in and out works fine, but sometimes a track will have a natural break in it where it can easily be cut. Fast peppy tracks are more likely to have such a break than slow flowing tracks.
My personal opinion is that a peppy track works better for a short movie than a flowing track. There isn't time in a short movie to establish a mood with a long intro and so on. Whatever is going to happen has to start happening right away or there will not be time to finish it! Although I guess you could argue that "Why I Make the Little Movies" has a slow backing track.... So I am open to every idea of course!

............... Trio

If I see you on the board I'll leave a post.
Hahaha! No, you won't see me on the board again! I stayed up past midnight yesterday posting and debating Iraq with other boardies. That's why I quit going there. I get addicted and waste huge chunks of time writing thousands of words that become obsolete within minutes after they are written. Plus my nerves get riled up from all the arguing and debating. It's too bad they don't have an area where you could post a notice and it would just stay there for people to see. Like a real life message board.
I just almost finished an e-mail about the project and I hit a key and it vanished.
I'm getting ready to record Trigger Happy TV.I've got two vcrs so I'm starting a tape for you at the same time.
Oh Shit! It's not on.They did this last week too It came on an hour later but only one episode.
Oh well.I've to do that e-mail again and it was a long one.
I think I've heard Mark Hewer.I'll check him out.With 300,000 plays he has to be doing something right.
What an Artist Number?
I've got to get back and start that last e-mail again.

Subject: Re: movie attached -- "Why I Make the Little Movies"
Hahaha! Yeah, SpongeBob did 65 episodes. I'm catching up! I really admire that SpongeBob team of animators. Great stuff... EarWorm movie? Sure! It would probably only take me about 20 years to make it. Haha! Thanks for the complements. Did you get my email about another Lenny movie?
Somebody from mp3dotcom wants a movie - Mark Hewer. He does smooth music and he didn't notice the part about doing his own artwork. But he sent me a sound clip and I will use the pics off his band page. He has been at mp3dotcom for a while. His artist number is only 88 and he has over 300,00 plays.
See you later ..................... Trio

Lenny Hall <> wrote:
Niceeeeeeeeeeeee!Lots of graphics.Great story line.Terrific music and narration.Everything is perfect.
Pretty soon you'll have more trio shorts than episodes of SpongeBob Squarepants.
Will there be an Earworm Movie someday?

Hi Trio,
I like the idea.

Subject: All hail Lenny!
Hi, Lenny
I think you told me you put the little movies in a playlist and play them one after another. That's what I do, too.
When "Lenny" comes up on my playlist, it's a very refreshing change of approach. You know we are both very much alike in that we like to improvise our art and music. But the end result is unique. I want to do another movie using your sound and images. Do you want to give me some suggestions? Here's what I need:
1) The background music - 30 to 50 seconds taken from one of your tracks. Since I have the CDs you sent, you can just specify which CD and the title.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.It would be hard for me to find the song on the cds I sent you.They were old copies.
It would be best if you could get them from mp3 pages.
This song called A dive.It is one of favorites and most interesting if you were to do something with maybe more than one part.It has tons of interesting changes all through it and would make a nice series but even the first part to start would be great.
This is a short piece from my henry riddle page.It is very discriptive and is nice mood music and it is short.I don't have any song with the time you need.Could you fade out or fade in to get just the amount of music time you need.
Other short moody pieces on the henry riddle page could also be Tonys in Love or Hollywood.
If there a song you like best it okay with me.
2) The images - 6 to 12 jpegs of your art. Again, since I have your CD of art, all I need is the titles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>.I'll start looking into my painting tomorrow and pick the ones that might go with each song and tell you the names and where they are in the Fireworks files you have or send you them if they are new ones not sent to you yet.
You could put whatever you want in between the painting or anything else you want.I trust whatever you do if its your own drawing but please
3) A title for the movie - working title is "Lenny 2" unless you have a different idea.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The title could be what the song is or one of the painting or something that all the painting shows.But please not Lenny 2.This project sounds like it has a different flavor.You can use your own judgement.
>>>>>>>>>An important thing I think you should do is list all the paintings at the end and the song.seeing the titles of the paintings may help people wanting to see it again.Show the titles long enough so they can read at least most of them.Just an Idea
4) Narration - this is optional. But if you have an idea for words or dialogue it should be less than 100 words. You could email it for me to do, or, if you like, you could create your own sound file and attach that to an email as an mp3 file.

>>>>>>>>If you want to do any narration that's up to you.I wouldn't know what to say and you do a great job at that.
Even your story line you said after I told you what the paintings titles were and order was with the Lenny Short.You comments on what you saw was a good narration example.
In fact you might get a kick out of creating the entire soundtrack. You have all the tools right there for putting narration and music together. Just make sure that the length is less than 50 seconds. Anything from 30 to 50 seconds is good. Then convert it to an mp3 file just like you would to send it to mp3dotcom, only attach it to an email instead and send it to me. If you use the mp3dotcom standard of 128kbps, it should be less than a megabyte in size.
Well, what do you think? Interested? Let's make a movie!

>>>>>>>Ya let make a movie.I'm game.
I'll start looking at my paint files and have them ready and maybe some more ideas tomorrow.
Sounds like a great idea.
I was almost starting to get lazy painting and being predictable so I've stopped painting for a while.
I'm gonna start getting my VHS tape of my DV footage started.
It's almost time for Trigger Happy TV if it comes on.
Talk to you tomorrow.
If I see you on the board I'll leave a post.
I didn't see what images were left by who knows who untill I got on my home computer.YOW!
Here's a song you could use part of for those images.You'll get a laugh in any case.

............... Trio

Hi Trio.
I've been listening to waiting to waltz and I've got a good feeling about that one.It's short and I think I may even have a painting named after it I would use.
I'll send you 8 or 10 paintings tomorrow that I think would fit and talk to you more.
Ya! Lets make a movie.

Subject: Re: movie attached -- "Why I Make the Little Movies"
Hahaha! Yeah, SpongeBob did 65 episodes. I'm catching up! I really admire that SpongeBob team of animators. Great stuff... EarWorm movie? Sure! It would probably only take me about 20 years to make it. Haha! Thanks for the complements. Did you get my email about another Lenny movie?
Somebody from mp3dotcom wants a movie - Mark Hewer. He does smooth music and he didn't notice the part about doing his own artwork. But he sent me a sound clip and I will use the pics off his band page. He has been at mp3dotcom for a while. His artist number is only 88 and he has over 300,00 plays.
See you later ..................... Trio
Lenny Hall <> wrote:
Niceeeeeeeeeeeee!Lots of graphics.Great story line.Terrific music and narration.Everything is perfect.
Pretty soon you'll have more trio shorts than episodes of SpongeBob Squarepants.
Will there be an Earworm Movie someday?

Subject: Titles at end of movie
>>>>>>>>>An important thing I think you should do is list all the paintings at the end of the song. Seeing the titles of the paintings may help people wanting to see it again. Show the titles long enough so they can read at least most of them. Just an idea...
Hi, Lenny
And a good idea it is. In my version of winmediaplayer, when the movie is over the last frame freezes on the screen. I made a little test movie to see if it works that way in yours as well. Play the "Title List Test" movie by clicking on it. If you put it in a playlist, then winmediaplayer will just jump to the next movie. Of course there is a "pause" button in winmediaplayer so that you can freeze the movie on any frame, including the last frame.

............... Trio
I can give you an idea for the movie title after I send you the paintings and know what song is being used and determine what the title might be.
Subject: Lenny 2 movie

3) A title for the movie - working title is "Lenny 2" unless you have a different idea.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The title could be what the song is or one of the painting or something that all the painting shows.But please not Lenny 2.This project sounds like it has a different flavor.You can use your own judgement.
I think I get what your saying.I'll start working on some ideas.

Subject: Images for Lenny 2
2) The images - 6 to 12 jpegs of your art. Again, since I have your CD of art, all I need is the titles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>.I'll start looking into my painting tomorrow and pick the ones that might go with each song and tell you the names and where they are in the Fireworks files you have or send you them if they are new ones not sent to you yet.
Sounds good, Lenny, and I am thinking that you will be inspired to create a new painting.
You said you were worried about getting lazy and repeating yourself. That's actually a good thing for movies. For instance, if you had three paintings that were similar, then they could be put together as an animation. Also, just taking the same painting and creating new versions with different colors and styles would be useful.
So don't worry about repeating yourself. That might be bad for gallery art, but it is an essential part of animation art! You can give them the same title, but number them. For instance: Party 1, Party 2, etc!
And the 6 to 12 number only applies to unique images. If you have a series of similar paintings, I can fit more in the movie since they will each be on the screen for a shorter period of time.
For example, if you had a painting Party and did 7 variations in different colors, it could display on the screen in the same 3 or 4 seconds that a single painting would, but it would have the visual excitement of the shifting colors.

............... Trio
I've got other songs I'll send you links to that have the same flavor.It's impossible for me to cut the tracks.Its something I've never done.The suggestions should give you decent parts and break off points.
Here's two that might work.
Out With Nature
Rap Meets the Space Junkie
Both songs seem like they could be faded out okay.
The second song may be the magic song.
I'm gonna play it while I'm doing the paintings.
I'll start them now.

Subject: A Dive
This song is called A dive.It is one of favorites and most interesting if you were to do something with maybe more than one part.It has tons of interesting changes all through it and would make a nice series but even the first part to start would be great.
That is a good track! I want to use it for my own animation! I would use the last forty seconds to background your movie, but I think I really do want to save the first part for my own use. Ain't I selfish? Haha!
One thing I liked about the Fused Art track that backgrounds "Lenny" is the exotic beat combined with the "exploration of a mysterious place" quality about the sounds.
I'll check out some other tracks and more ideas from you are welcome. It could of course be a track that you don't think is all that great except for 30 or 40 seconds of it since that's all we need for the movie!
............... Trio
If you want something Peppier maybe
Another Dive
for Credits use The Other Orchestra for the music on any of the new series of songs.
Its my most promoted band.

Subject: Waiting to Waltz
This is a short piece from my henry riddle page.It is very discriptive and is nice mood music and it is short. I don't have any song with the time you need. Could you fade out or fade in to get just the amount of music time you need.
It IS short enough, but I don't think it has enough of your personal style in it. Too much Korg and not enough you.
The length of the tracks is not a problem as long as we can clip 30 or 40 seconds out of it. Fading in and out works fine, but sometimes a track will have a natural break in it where it can easily be cut. Fast peppy tracks are more likely to have such a break than slow flowing tracks.
My personal opinion is that a peppy track works better for a short movie than a flowing track. There isn't time in a short movie to establish a mood with a long intro and so on. Whatever is going to happen has to start happening right away or there will not be time to finish it! Although I guess you could argue that "Why I Make the Little Movies" has a slow backing track.... So I am open to every idea of course!

............... Trio

Hi Lenny,
I thought you might be curious about the Mark Hewer movie. It wasn't as much fun to do as yours was because he didn't have any artwork, just photos. But he took the time to respond so I don't mind making the movie for him. It doesn't take too long to make a movie if I am given a sound file and some images. The hard ones are the ones where I have to create the sounds and images myself! Hahah!
I also included the correspondence between me and Mark below since I know you find that interesting too.
I am downloading your pics now and will email you later today.
.................. Trio

To: Mark Hewer Subject: Movie attached
Hi Mark,
Here is the movie. No, the filesize is small. That's the idea - to make a little movie small enough to email. Hope you can use it. And thanks again for responding to my posts on the message board.
.................... Trio

To: Trio Quatro Subject: Re: Ear Worm Movies
That's great Trio! I'm looking forward to it. You
might have to send it to because
my Yahoo account might not accept such a large file.:)

Thanks again!


--- Trio Quatro <> wrote:
> Thanks!
> That's perfect. My next email will have a movie
> attached to it.
> See you later ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Trio
> To: Trio Quatro
> Subject: Re: Ear Worm Movies
> Hi Trio,
> Thanks man! Here's a short clip I think you'll be
> able to work with (attached)...
> Mark
> p.s. You can cut some from the beginning if you like
> just in case it's too long (I think it's about 60
> seconds)
> --- Trio Quatro <> wrote:
> > Hello again, Mark
> >
> > Hey, your music sounds great and there are lots of
> > pics. The idea I was working with was a movie for
> > an artist who both makes music and does artwork
> (ie
> > painting, drawing, or CG art). However, I could
> put
> > something together with your images if you can
> send
> > me a 40 second soundfile. I listened to your
> tracks
> > but they have that flowing quality so that I can't
> > clip 40 seconds out of them like I could with
> faster
> > music. Have you ever recorded anything as short
> as
> > 30 or 40 seconds? If so, just convert it to a
> > standard mp3 (128kbps) and attach it to an email
> to
> > me.
> >
> > .................. Trio

> > From: Mark Hewer
> > Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 3:30 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Ear Worm Movies
> >
> > Hi Trio,
> >
> > I would love one of your movies. You can find
> me
> > at and I have lots of
> pics
> > and mp3's on my page to choose from or can mail
> you
> > something if you like.
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Mark Hewer
> >
> >
> >
> >
Hi Lenny,
I thought you might be curious about the Mark Hewer movie. It wasn't as much fun to do as yours was because he didn't have any artwork, just photos. But he took the time to respond so I don't mind making the movie for him. It doesn't take too long to make a movie if I am given a sound file and some images. The hard ones are the ones where I have to create the sounds and images myself! Hahah!
I also included the correspondence between me and Mark below since I know you find that interesting too.
I am downloading your pics now and will email you later today.
.................. Trio

To: Mark Hewer Subject: Movie attached
Hi Mark,
Here is the movie. No, the filesize is small. That's the idea - to make a little movie small enough to email. Hope you can use it. And thanks again for responding to my posts on the message board.
.................... Trio
----- Original Message ----- From: Mark Hewer Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:28 PM To: Trio Quatro Subject: Re: Ear Worm Movies
That's great Trio! I'm looking forward to it. You
might have to send it to because
my Yahoo account might not accept such a large file.:)

Thanks again!


--- Trio Quatro <> wrote:
> Thanks!
> That's perfect. My next email will have a movie
> attached to it.
> See you later ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Trio

> From: Mark Hewer
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:10 PM
> To: Trio Quatro
> Subject: Re: Ear Worm Movie

> Hi Trio,
> Thanks man! Here's a short clip I think you'll be
> able to work with (attached)...
> Mark
> p.s. You can cut some from the beginning if you like
> just in case it's too long (I think it's about 60
> seconds)
> > Hello again, Mark
> >
> > Hey, your music sounds great and there are lots of
> > pics. The idea I was working with was a movie for
> > an artist who both makes music and does artwork
> (ie
> > painting, drawing, or CG art). However, I could
> put
> > something together with your images if you can
> send
> > me a 40 second soundfile. I listened to your
> tracks
> > but they have that flowing quality so that I can't
> > clip 40 seconds out of them like I could with
> faster
> > music. Have you ever recorded anything as short
> as
> > 30 or 40 seconds? If so, just convert it to a
> > standard mp3 (128kbps) and attach it to an email
> to
> > me.
> > .................. Trio
> >

I got the second SpongeBob tape! Thank you very much. I do like SpongeBob! And I don't know what TriggerHappy TV is, but Dave said you told him about it and he liked it so I am looking forward to checking out that tape, too.
I really feel bad that the Dazzle adapter didn't work out for you. Maybe this is why they are putting it on sale? I don't know. I have seen other products from them in the store and they look like a reliable company, but you never know. At least you have the MAC to make movies on, except that they are QuickTime, but most people can watch that. I have a QuickTime player on my machine.
I have some MAC things laying around, like a thumbwheel and some other stuff. I'll try to send it to you. I have a MAC that I don't use anymore, but it is older than your IMAC, so I don't think you would want it.

............... Trio

Yeah, that sounds good. A Dive and Another Dive are both good choices in my opinion.
Now that you have told me the story behind Waiting to Waltz, I like it too. Especially if you have images to go with the story.
................. Trio

Waiting to Waltz
If you want something Peppier maybe
Another Dive
for Credits use The Other Orchestra for the music on any of the new series of songs.
Its my most promoted band.

Waiting to Waltz
This is a short piece from my henry riddle page.It is very discriptive and is nice mood music and it is short. I don't have any song with the time you need. Could you fade out or fade in to get just the amount of music time you need.
It IS short enough, but I don't think it has enough of your personal style in it. Too much Korg and not enough you.
The length of the tracks is not a problem as long as we can clip 30 or 40 seconds out of it. Fading in and out works fine, but sometimes a track will have a natural break in it where it can easily be cut. Fast peppy tracks are more likely to have such a break than slow flowing tracks.
My personal opinion is that a peppy track works better for a short movie than a flowing track. There isn't time in a short movie to establish a mood with a long intro and so on. Whatever is going to happen has to start happening right away or there will not be time to finish it! Although I guess you could argue that "Why I Make the Little Movies" has a slow backing track.... So I am open to every idea of course!

............... Trio

Ooooh, just had a spooky experience. I started to download Rap and the Space Junkie, realized it was 9 megabytes long and canceled the download. "I'll listen to a little of the lo-fi version first," I said to myself. The first few seconds intrigued me, so I said "Well, I'll just go ahead and download it and cut 40 seconds out of it."
I started the download and went back to watching TV. A minute or two later I heard the beep that the download was complete. "That's odd," I thought. "It should have taken almost an hour."
So I clicked on the file and it had downloaded exactly 43 seconds of the song and then shut off! Is that weird or what! Definitely have to use THAT track!
The Out With Nature animal sounds track is pretty cool too. Would work very good with some images that could be seen as jungle or animals.
.................. Trio

To: Trio Quatro Subject: Re: A Dive
I've got other songs I'll send you links to that have the same flavor.It's impossible for me to cut the tracks.Its something I've never done.The suggestions should give you decent parts and break off points.
Here's two that might work.
Out With Nature
Rap Meets the Space Junkie
Both songs seem like they could be faded out okay.
The second song may be the magic song.
I'm gonna play it while I'm doing the paintings.
I'll start them now.

A Dive
This song is called A dive.It is one of favorites and most interesting if you were to do something with maybe more than one part.It has tons of interesting changes all through it and would make a nice series but even the first part to start would be great.
That is a good track! I want to use it for my own animation! I would use the last forty seconds to background your movie, but I think I really do want to save the first part for my own use. Ain't I selfish? Haha!
One thing I liked about the Fused Art track that backgrounds "Lenny" is the exotic beat combined with the "exploration of a mysterious place" quality about the sounds.
I'll check out some other tracks and more ideas from you are welcome. It could of course be a track that you don't think is all that great except for 30 or 40 seconds of it since that's all we need for the movie!
............... Trio

Hi Trio,
I checked out the Mark Hewer movie.I think it came out great considering you were just working with photos.
I haven't listened to his music yet but I know I'm gonna like it because it looks like his main instrument is Drums.
I'm not happy with all the images I've sent.After I looked at them I got a better idea that may look better.
I know I got some e-mails kicked back so I'll send you 3 at a wack.When you want more let me know.If there are some you didn't get let me know.
After the A series I've got the T series that are going after the A series in the same short if possible.
I just did the T series and it gives the story board a new twist.I was getting into it.
Also I can made a mp3 of music if you want. Let me know the time needed if you can't use one of my songs you have already.

Subject: Fw: Movie attached
Hi Lenny,
I thought you might be curious about the Mark Hewer movie. It wasn't as much fun to do as yours was because he didn't have any artwork, just photos. But he took the time to respond so I don't mind making the movie for him. It doesn't take too long to make a movie if I am given a sound file and some images. The hard ones are the ones where I have to create the sounds and images myself! Hahah!
I also included the correspondence between me and Mark below since I know you find that interesting too.
I am downloading your pics now and will email you later today.
.................. Trio
> Hello again, Mark
> >
> > Hey, your music sounds great and there are lots of
> > pics. The idea I was working with was a movie for
> > an artist who both makes music and does artwork
> (ie
> > painting, drawing, or CG art). However, I could
> put
> > something together with your images if you can
> send
> > me a 40 second soundfile. I listened to your
> tracks
> > but they have that flowing quality so that I can't
> > clip 40 seconds out of them like I could with
> faster
> > music. Have you ever recorded anything as short
> as
> > 30 or 40 seconds? If so, just convert it to a
> > standard mp3 (128kbps) and attach it to an email
> to
> > me.
> >
> > .................. Trio
Hi Lenny,
I thought you might be curious about the Mark Hewer movie. It wasn't as much fun to do as yours was because he didn't have any artwork, just photos. But he took the time to respond so I don't mind making the movie for him. It doesn't take too long to make a movie if I am given a sound file and some images. The hard ones are the ones where I have to create the sounds and images myself! Hahah!
I also included the correspondence between me and Mark below since I know you find that interesting too.
I am downloading your pics now and will email you later today.
.................. Trio
Gosh, Lenny, if I laugh my ass off how am I gonna take a crap?
.............. Trio

Hi, Lenny
I have the Fireworks manual on my computer, but not the actual program MY program Paintshop Pro does most of what Fireworks does except it doesn't have the cool styles and patterns that Fireworks has. For that reason, and because there isn't much room on my hard drive, I decided not to put Fireworks on my drive.
Yes, if you can figure out how to do GIF animation, you can do what I am doing. And it would be a lot easier on my little 2 megabyte mailbox if you converted your images at your end first, since it would make the file size smaller. And it's a lot of fun to animate your paintings! AND you can put them on your web page and put them in emails. Also there is a way to use them for your song images at mp3dotcom. You have probably seen artists with animated GIFs next to their songs.
So I am sure the time spent learning how to use that part of Fireworks would be time well spent!
My next email contains a little more info about GIFs.
.................... Trio

Subject: Re: The A pics
Have you ever looked at The fireworks Program?When I save A Image I can also save it as something called Gif animation.
Hi, Lenny,
GIF is a cool file format. It can contain more than one image. If there is only one image in it, then that's all you see in your web browser.
When a GIF file contains more images, it also contains a number for each image telling the browser how long to show each image on the screen.
You can import or export GIFs in FireWorks. The most important pages in the manual are page 93 and page 128. I am talking about the pdf manual on your CD rom. You might have put it on your hard drive when you installed FireWorks.
If you import the GIF that I made of your A pics, then you will see how it works.
Then you can try it yourself.
It's not difficult if you just keep in mind that all you are doing is putting the images together in a file along with a display time for each image. In the GIF I made of your A images, each image displays for a 1/4 second (250 milliseconds) except for the last image which displays for 1 and 1/2 seconds.
GIFs can be set to loop or not loop. If yours only plays once and stops, then you forgot to save it as a looping GIF.

............... Trio

Hi Trio,
That scene for Waiting to Waltz has been with me since I did the song.A lot of the Henry Riddle music is like that to me.
I'll go through and get the painting that can convey the emotional drama.
I'll attach the missing files and send you a few more.
When you get the T series your gonna laugh you ass off.

Subject: Re: Waiting to Waltz
Yeah, that sounds good. A Dive and Another Dive are both good choices in my opinion.
Now that you have told me the story behind Waiting to Waltz, I like it too. Especially if you have images to go with the story.
................. Trio

Subject: Re: Waiting to Waltz
If you want something Peppier maybe
Another Dive
for Credits use The Other Orchestra for the music on any of the new series of songs.
Its my most promoted band.

Subject: Waiting to Waltz
This is a short piece from my henry riddle page.It is very discriptive and is nice mood music and it is short. I don't have any song with the time you need. Could you fade out or fade in to get just the amount of music time you need.
It IS short enough, but I don't think it has enough of your personal style in it. Too much Korg and not enough you.
The length of the tracks is not a problem as long as we can clip 30 or 40 seconds out of it. Fading in and out works fine, but sometimes a track will have a natural break in it where it can easily be cut. Fast peppy tracks are more likely to have such a break than slow flowing tracks.
My personal opinion is that a peppy track works better for a short movie than a flowing track. There isn't time in a short movie to establish a mood with a long intro and so on. Whatever is going to happen has to start happening right away or there will not be time to finish it! Although I guess you could argue that "Why I Make the Little Movies" has a slow backing track.... So I am open to every idea of course!

............... Trio

Hi Trio,
That scene for Waiting to Waltz has been with me since I did the song.A lot of the Henry Riddle music is like that to me.
I'll go through and get the painting that can convey the emotional drama.
I'll attach the missing files and send you a few more.
When you get the T series your gonna laugh you ass off.

Subject: Re: Waiting to Waltz
If you want something Peppier maybe
Another Dive
for Credits use The Other Orchestra for the music on any of the new series of songs.
Its my most promoted band.

Waiting to Waltz
This is a short piece from my henry riddle page.It is very discriptive and is nice mood music and it is short. I don't have any song with the time you need. Could you fade out or fade in to get just the amount of music time you need.
It IS short enough, but I don't think it has enough of your personal style in it. Too much Korg and not enough you.
The length of the tracks is not a problem as long as we can clip 30 or 40 seconds out of it. Fading in and out works fine, but sometimes a track will have a natural break in it where it can easily be cut. Fast peppy tracks are more likely to have such a break than slow flowing tracks.
My personal opinion is that a peppy track works better for a short movie than a flowing track. There isn't time in a short movie to establish a mood with a long intro and so on. Whatever is going to happen has to start happening right away or there will not be time to finish it! Although I guess you could argue that "Why I Make the Little Movies" has a slow backing track.... So I am open to every idea of course!

............... Trio
Have you ever looked at The fireworks Program?When I save A Image I can also save it as something called Gif animation.
Glad you got the box.You haven't lived untill you've seen trigger happy TV.
Don't worry about the Dazzle.If it helps you be able to import VHS tapes that would be great.
I'm not planning on using the i-mac that much right now.I'm gonna just start compiling footage on Super VHS so I can see what I've got and be able to send VHS tape to people and put what I want into the mac later.
I'm getting further and further away from getting to much more involved with my computer unless its something that I'm already doing.
It will be four years next month that I got my computer and I've been in front of it ever since.It's brought me light years ahead in my creativity,contacts and influences that I would have never had,knew or learned from if I hadn't gotten one and had a web page made and got on mp3 and listened to all the artists and I'm gonna keep on listening and seeing what else happens but my main focus is going in the direction of film,playing out again,making use of what I have already(paintings,stories,music)and getting back into the performing arts.Thank Heaven I'm going to have a chance to take that Action Theater workshop next month and see Ruth after over two years.
So you got drawn into the board huh?
My take on what's going on wouldn't be pleasant to most peoples standards.My gut feeling says its not gonna be a pretty picture.
I'm as interested in other peoples opinion of this war as much as I'm interested in what they do when they make love.
I listen and take in what makes the most sense
Its almost TUBE TIME and I've still got another e-mail to reply too.
I'll catch you on the flipside.
Good luck with our latest collab.

Subject: Box received
I got the second SpongeBob tape! Thank you very much. I do like SpongeBob! And I don't know what TriggerHappy TV is, but Dave said you told him about it and he liked it so I am looking forward to checking out that tape, too.
I really feel bad that the Dazzle adapter didn't work out for you. Maybe this is why they are putting it on sale? I don't know. I have seen other products from them in the store and they look like a reliable company, but you never know. At least you have the MAC to make movies on, except that they are QuickTime, but most people can watch that. I have a QuickTime player on my machine.
I have some MAC things laying around, like a thumbwheel and some other stuff. I'll try to send it to you. I have a MAC that I don't use anymore, but it is older than your IMAC, so I don't think you would want it.

............... Trio

I got the second SpongeBob tape! Thank you very much. I do like SpongeBob! And I don't know what TriggerHappy TV is, but Dave said you told him about it and he liked it so I am looking forward to checking out that tape, too.
I really feel bad that the Dazzle adapter didn't work out for you. Maybe this is why they are putting it on sale? I don't know. I have seen other products from them in the store and they look like a reliable company, but you never know. At least you have the MAC to make movies on, except that they are QuickTime, but most people can watch that. I have a QuickTime player on my machine.
I have some MAC things laying around, like a thumbwheel and some other stuff. I'll try to send it to you. I have a MAC that I don't use anymore, but it is older than your IMAC, so I don't think you would want it.

............... Trio

Yes, dFilm is cool. I made a couple of movies there back last summer when I was on the message boards a lot. If you click on the "Create your own movie" link that pops up at the end of the movie, then you will get a screen that lets you make the same kind of movies. You get to choose from a selection of settings, characters, and actions and then you type your words into the word balloons. You can't save the movie on your hard drive but they save it on their own server. Then you can send people a link to it.
................. Trio

Subject: Re: GIF animation - useful information
Hi Trio,
I'll start looking into that.
I found a cool band that put one of my songs on her mp3 station.
I started to download some of her songs to check them out.(she's got a ton of music)and I went to her home page(one thing I always do)and found this animation that cracked me up.
Looks like a good film site too.

Subject: GIF animation - useful information
Hi, Lenny,
GIF is a cool file format. It can contain more than one image. If there is only one image in it, then that's all you see in your web browser.
When a GIF file contains more images, it also contains a number for each image telling the browser how long to show each image on the screen.
You can import or export GIFs in FireWorks. The most important pages in the manual are page 93 and page 128. I am talking about the pdf manual on your CD rom. You might have put it on your hard drive when you installed FireWorks.
If you import the GIF that I made of your A pics, then you will see how it works.
Then you can try it yourself.
It's not difficult if you just keep in mind that all you are doing is putting the images together in a file along with a display time for each image. In the GIF I made of your A images, each image displays for a 1/4 second (250 milliseconds) except for the last image which displays for 1 and 1/2 seconds.
GIFs can be set to loop or not loop. If yours only plays once and stops, then you forgot to save it as a looping GIF.

............... Trio
It reattaches after you stop laughing.

Subject: Re: Waiting to Waltz
Gosh, Lenny, if I laugh my ass off how am I gonna take a crap?
.............. Trio

To: Trio Quatro Subject: Re: Waiting to Waltz
Hi Trio,
That scene for Waiting to Waltz has been with me since I did the song.A lot of the Henry Riddle music is like that to me.
I'll go through and get the painting that can convey the emotional drama.
I'll attach the missing files and send you a few more.
When you get the T series your gonna laugh you ass off.

: Re: Waiting to Waltz
If you want something Peppier maybe
Another Dive
for Credits use The Other Orchestra for the music on any of the new series of songs.
Its my most promoted band.

Subject: Waiting to Waltz
This is a short piece from my henry riddle page.It is very discriptive and is nice mood music and it is short. I don't have any song with the time you need. Could you fade out or fade in to get just the amount of music time you need.
It IS short enough, but I don't think it has enough of your personal style in it. Too much Korg and not enough you.
The length of the tracks is not a problem as long as we can clip 30 or 40 seconds out of it. Fading in and out works fine, but sometimes a track will have a natural break in it where it can easily be cut. Fast peppy tracks are more likely to have such a break than slow flowing tracks.
My personal opinion is that a peppy track works better for a short movie than a flowing track. There isn't time in a short movie to establish a mood with a long intro and so on. Whatever is going to happen has to start happening right away or there will not be time to finish it! Although I guess you could argue that "Why I Make the Little Movies" has a slow backing track.... So I am open to every idea of course!

............... Trio
I think somebody up there like me.
Welcome to the world of Lenny Hall.
I'll send you some more T files.

Subject: Weirdness!
Ooooh, just had a spooky experience. I started to download Rap and the Space Junkie, realized it was 9 megabytes long and canceled the download. "I'll listen to a little of the lo-fi version first," I said to myself. The first few seconds intrigued me, so I said "Well, I'll just go ahead and download it and cut 40 seconds out of it."
I started the download and went back to watching TV. A minute or two later I heard the beep that the download was complete. "That's odd," I thought. "It should have taken almost an hour."
So I clicked on the file and it had downloaded exactly 43 seconds of the song and then shut off! Is that weird or what! Definitely have to use THAT track!
The Out With Nature animal sounds track is pretty cool too. Would work very good with some images that could be seen as jungle or animals.
.................. Trio

Subject: Re: A Dive
I've got other songs I'll send you links to that have the same flavor.It's impossible for me to cut the tracks.Its something I've never done.The suggestions should give you decent parts and break off points.
Here's two that might work.
Out With Nature
Rap Meets the Space Junkie
Both songs seem like they could be faded out okay.
The second song may be the magic song.
I'm gonna play it while I'm doing the paintings.
I'll start them now.

Subject: A Dive
This song is called A dive.It is one of favorites and most interesting if you were to do something with maybe more than one part.It has tons of interesting changes all through it and would make a nice series but even the first part to start would be great.
That is a good track! I want to use it for my own animation! I would use the last forty seconds to background your movie, but I think I really do want to save the first part for my own use. Ain't I selfish? Haha!
One thing I liked about the Fused Art track that backgrounds "Lenny" is the exotic beat combined with the "exploration of a mysterious place" quality about the sounds.
I'll check out some other tracks and more ideas from you are welcome. It could of course be a track that you don't think is all that great except for 30 or 40 seconds of it since that's all we need for the movie!
............... Trio
Subject: Weirdness!

Subject: Weirdness!
Ooooh, just had a spooky experience. I started to download Rap and the Space Junkie, realized it was 9 megabytes long and canceled the download. "I'll listen to a little of the lo-fi version first," I said to myself. The first few seconds intrigued me, so I said "Well, I'll just go ahead and download it and cut 40 seconds out of it."
I started the download and went back to watching TV. A minute or two later I heard the beep that the download was complete. "That's odd," I thought. "It should have taken almost an hour."
So I clicked on the file and it had downloaded exactly 43 seconds of the song and then shut off! Is that weird or what! Definitely have to use THAT track!
The Out With Nature animal sounds track is pretty cool too. Would work very good with some images that could be seen as jungle or animals.
.................. Trio

Hi Trio,
It must be weirdness e-mail day too.I just got two e-mals back that I sent but they look like I sent them to myself.I sent one back to you in case.
Oh Well,
I went into my fireworks files and found some paintings in fireworks one that I think would go great with waiting to waltz.
fates window*
borrowed time*
calm yourself* * these are my first chioces.I'm not sure how
come together* many you can fit.
brain waves
lifes prisoner*
i think
two souls*
the outcasts*
fighting the fire
random thoughts
the real me
the date
the love dance
stand tall young man*
If I send you any more paintings I'll send them as gif.
Hi Trio,
I'll start looking into that.
I found a cool band that put one of my songs on her mp3 station.
I started to download some of her songs to check them out.(she's got a ton of music)and I went to her home page(one thing I always do)and found this animation that cracked me up.
Looks like a good film site too.
Hi Trio,
I'm gonna check it out when I get a chance.
Tonight is the SB lost episode.It's about to start soon.
The Files are on the disc under Fireworks J-pegs.It's the first Fireworks file on the cd.

Subject: Re: Suggested Paintings for Waiting to Waltz.
Thanks for the list. I haven't checked yet but I assume I can find these on the CD you sent?
....................... Trio

Hi Trio
I like it.
I didn't realize you could get so many images in that short of time.
Did you have enough paintings for waiting to waltz?
But scoping out a gig in Lowell.Looks promising.
Hello, Lenny
That's about the max on how many images will fit in a megabyte, I think. I didn't count them, but I know some of them go by almost too fast to see.
Waiting to Waltz is in the fermentation vats. You know, like fine wine the movie ideas have to ferment and develop. It won't be too long, but I am trying to finish up some of the half-completed movies that I have laying around. I also want to do one called "Spooky" using your images and that track of yours that I told you about.
Let me know how the Lowell gig works out.
.................... Trio
Lenny Hall <> wrote:

Hi Trio,
I'm hoping to hear back about a possible gig maybe in May.The place looks like the perfect place to do a performance and I'll be able to put some of my paintings for the back ground.
The owner seemed interested and a few of my musician friends have already mentioned my name Lance Gargoyle.
I went to see a friend play there last Saturday.
I've put all my new paintings on mp3 if you want to check them out.
This week I've got inventory in work and have to re orgonize the inventory list.
The person who I meet after 10 years at the one minute film fest came by last week and is coming by this evening again.
I gave him scatterbrain jukebox to see and some cds.
Next month I've got that Action Theater Workshop.Next week I'm going to a Showcase at Southwick Studios where I study acting.A few people I haven't seen in a while will be performing.
I got a line from Mike Watson last week.The new project he's in is doing well.I respect that guy more than any other musician I know in this world.
I've re-established a few mp3 contacts and make a few more lately.
I'm off to the reading room then to work.
Please use Lance Gargoyle and The Other Orchestra for any musicial credits and Sidney Hipple for Painting credits
See you on the farside.
Hahaha! Wow! That's quite a story, Lenny! It's a good thing I already have some experience with Captain Weirdo and his friends or I might have had trouble following it. But instead it made perfect sense to me! Hahaha!
I have been having "deja vu" all day long. I don't know what's going on. Ideas are rolling in for movies and now you send me this email that has enough ideas for a dozen movies! Hahaha! Thanks, Lenny!
........................ Trio

Hi Trio,
hahahahahahahahahaha! I love the new short.hahahahahahahahahah!
It reminds me of one of my favorite things I say and have been thinking lately. I'ld like to say that most people are little more than monkeys but what have the monkeys done to be insulted.
Here's another Capt Weirdo idea I've had in my mind lately.
In the 13th zone which is ruled by Sargent Smegman now that Dr.Pervert became a good guy in the Earth Zone,are beings(The Flugnoids) that communicate through the eyes of people in the Earth Zone.The persons eyes are like lenses for the Flugnoids.That's why sometimes two people will not know each other but feel some kinship or mutual attraction esp if they pass on the street or see in the Earth Zone.That's how the Flugnoids keep an EYE or eyes on the Earth Zone hoping that more and more meet and some day band together for the common good of mankind.
In the beginning Sargeant Smegman(NOTE:the name Sargeant Smegma was too extreme so I changed it)ran half of the 13th zone and Dr Pervert ran the other half.They got along but S.S. wanted to control the whole place so Dr.Pervert tells S.S. that he is going to get to the Earth Zone through the void to recuit perverts and bring them back to train and then go back and control the Earth Zone,but he is really getting them to over throw S.S.
Dr.Pervert has two devices.One can stop time the other makes him invisible.He can only use them once.He comes to Earth and the Goverment lets him have all the perverts he wants,just to get rid of them but Dr.Pervert gets side tracked to Nude World and uses his devices there.Capt.Weirdo stops him in time and destroys the devices.Now Dr.Pervert is stuck in The Earth Plane and starts to work at the Laundry Mart with Sidney Hipple not knowing he is Capt Weirdo.After a while Sidney Hipple realises that Dr.Pervert has changed and is now a good guy and tells him he's Capt Weirdo.
Everything is fine untill S.S. finds a way to influence the Earth Zone untill he can find his way through the void from The 13th zone to the Earth Zone to get the perverts he's been promised.
This is where The Flugnoids come in the picture and the lense concept is bought out.
The 13th zone was kinda cool cause Dr Pervert was well known for being aware of all the music in the Earth Zone and there was always bands jamming and playing everywhere.S.S. is tone deaf and all the music wasn't good enough for him so he decides to abduct famous musicians from The Earth Zone and bring them back and start his own band because none of the musicians in The 13th Zone would jam with him.He tried Classical,Rock,Country,Punk even Industrial but nothing worked and no one would join his band The Smegmanites.
He captured Ozzy Osbourne but Capt.Weirdo saves him with the help of The Octave Avenger(played play Mike Watson)before anyone noticed,even Ozzy which isn't to odd considering the shape he's in these days.He got a good buzz going through the void and no one believed him when he told them what happened or they couldn't understand him or thought he was finally losing it.
S.S.gave up that idea and the 13 Zone starts falling apart.The Fabric of Time was about to explode so Capt. Weirdo and Dr.Pervert call their secret force of Super Heros "The Children Of Invention" and other Allies from the best music on the Internet.Most of the Children Of Invention wanted to go but most of them were busy.Rick Lewis was getting PH 101 back up and was getting gigs with his new vocalist Heather Christian and Drummer Frank Diorio.Mike Watson(The Octave Avenger)was working his new project IN CASE OF FIRE and couldn't leave cause the new project finally got a young guitar player who was SPOT ON and who's musical equipment was going to make him the
perfect multi-tasker which is what IN CASE OF FIRE was going to need to reproduce the
recorded material without having a massive band.
So Capt.Weirdo gets two masters of music expression Trio from Earworm and T.Stormy Hunter, two of his closest advisers in the musical scene on the Internet,to keep an eye on the Earth Zone while they were gone to save the 13th Zone.If it explodes the 13th zone will bleed out into the Earth Zone and there would be weirdos from the 13th Zone everywhere and people on the Earth Zone would be able to enter the 13th Zone and become corrupted by having their ever desire available.
On their way through the void they get lost and end up in Oomph where the Flugnoids live and find out about THE HELPERS also called The Friends on The Earth Zone.They are the people who band together after they discover that their eyes are lenses reflecting and reaching back into the void to Oomph and The Flugnoids.
They stay with the Flugnoids for a short while because Capt Weirdo gets ill from the Atmosphere in the void.They make a plan to surprise S.S. and save the world.
S.S. is lazy and stinks really bad so he doesn't have many friends in the 13th Zone except his Flunkies and the brown noses that think he's cool.You can smell him a mile away,which makes it hard to approach him without holding your nose.
The Flugnoids show our duo how to suspend their sense of smell (which is very strong)through breathing excerises and they go back into the void and enter the 13th Zone.
As planned they enter right in front of S.S. as he's sitting on his throne sleeping in his Palace of Poop.Capt.Weirdo whips out his Korg Karma Music Work Station and starts playing some cool jazz.I think the song was Sidecar At The Flame and the Flunkies and Brown noses can't take it and run away.At the same moment Dr.Pervert grabs a fire hose and starts spraying S.S..S.S. is so surprised at feeling water for the first time that he is in shock and starts to curl up like a baby.He had so much stinky goo on him that after Dr.Pervert got him all cleaned up it looked like he lost 100 pounds.
S.S. looks totally different and sits up and confesses to our Duo that he always wanted to take a bath but his skin was so sensitive that the Atmosphere in the 13th Zone made it sting.His dirt build up had also effected his temperament and how he felt.It looked like he was having the D T's and had changed his ways so Captain Weirdo and Dr.Pervert take him back through the void and to the Earth Zone where his skin will not be irritated and he could wash regularly and he becomes a good guy.He moves in with one of the Children of Invention ,Liquid Kulak for a while until Daves mother finds out and he moves into with a cool band,Little Larry and The Mobile HomeWreckers. who let him play bongos and be their roadie.
Everything is cool in the 13th Zone for now but you never know what could happen next.The Fabric of Time is safe and Captain Weirdo and Dr.Pervert have other concerns in The Earth Zone.Dr.Pervert is thinking of a new name to use in the EARTH ZONE.He was gonna use Lance Gargoyle but it was already taken.Then it came to him.Muckles Fig Naughty.He would always be Dr. Pervert when he was a superhero with Capt. Weirdo but in The Earth Zone he would be known as Muckles.
Hey Trio,
You got me inspired.I hope you got a laugh.

Subject: Re: movie attached -- "ebay cats"
Hi Lenny,
Sounds like you are going to be pretty busy. Haha!
I just finished a movie before I read this email. It uses Lenny Hall for a credit. I hope you don't mind. ("Blok Talk" is the movie.)
I'll check out the paintings.
.............. Trio

Hi Trio,
You know I've got to get a gig soon or at least start recording again when I start rattling off stories like that.
It's always an honor to have you use my music in your productions esp since you use music of mine that I think is the very interesting and original but not most people, unless maybe if they are musicians,don't find them that appealing.
I enjoy seeing what you do with my paintings.
It would be interesting if they could be shown like a deck of cards or like dominos slowly falling or falling up.
Here's another story plot I've been thinking about.
A man has to give away all his possessions in a year to people who can really use them.Hey what a minute!That could be a reality series.
Hey here's a kick.The company I work for Healthsouth is in the news.
Don't Worry my job is safe.I wish I would get laid off but that won't happen.
Keep creating.What you're doing just keeps on getting better and better.
And I'm enjoying them more and more every time I see them.

Hi Trio,
I started with a simple idea and I just went with it.I wasn't sure where it would go or end but it even cracked me up.You're a good influence.
Once upon a time there was an idiot. When very little, this idiot had been found to be short-sighted, and had been given a pair of glasses by his parents. Being an idiot, he soon got so used to his glasses that he even forgot he was wearing them.
Unfortunately, the glasses had become very dirty in the idiot’s first years of life, when, as a child, he had played very boisterously, jumping into puddles without any concern for his own cleanliness.
Now, as an adult, the fool complained time and time again that all the people he met had spots of dirt on their faces. He got on everybody’s nerves with his complaining, although it must be said that sometimes he found people who agreed with his views
The idiot perceived, rightly, that there was a lot wrong with the world such as he saw it. His problem was that he saw the cause as being somewhere else than it really was.
His own shortcomings might have been a more rewarding subject of study. Recognising and remedying some of these shortcomings might also have had the miraculous effect of reducing the number of things that in his view were so clearly wrong with the world, and with other people.
Only those who feel vaguely insulted by this story will have any chance of understanding what it is all about, and of correctly locating the problem
Hello Lenny,
I don't have the domino effect in my program, but I am sure there are programs that have it. I could do it by hand, but that would be quite a bit of work. I can slide frames to the left, right, up, or down or I can open them up in various ways (like curtains or blinds for example) but some things have to be done by hand. You know in "Lenny" where a door opens in the first image to reveal an image behind it? Something like that has to be done by hand and takes a while. But the type of change where one image just slides away to reveal another one - that only takes a mouse click.
I enjoy working with your images and sounds. Your sounds work really well for some things. I thought "Blok Talk" depended quite a bit on your sound. I needed the "Lenny Hall" style for that one! I am looking forward to using more of your things. And I haven't forgotten about "Spooky" and "Waiting to Waltz"!
The man giving away all his possessions sounds interesting. I wish it was me! I have plenty of junk around here to give away. It might be a weird show though because people would be refusing to take what I was trying to give to them! Haha!
If you are wondering why the rest of this email looks strange, it's because I forwarded it to this msn account from the Yahoo account, because this is the account I usually use for email and I check it more often than the Yahoo account.
............... Trio

Hi Trio,
You know I've got to get a gig soon or at least start recording =
again when I start rattling off stories like that.

It's always an honor to have you use my music in your =
productions esp since you use music of mine that I think is the very =
interesting and original but not most people, unless maybe if they are =
musicians,don't find them that appealing.
I enjoy seeing what you do with my paintings.
It would be interesting if they could be shown like a deck of cards or =
like dominos slowly falling or falling up.

Here's another story plot I've been thinking about.
A man has to give away all his possessions in a year to people who =
can really use them.Hey what a minute!That could be a reality series.
Hey here's a kick.The company I work for Healthsouth is in the news.

Don't Worry my job is safe.I wish I would get laid off but that =
won't happen.
Keep creating.What you're doing just keeps on getting better =
and better.
And I'm enjoying them more and more every time I see them.


Hi Lenny,
Daryl Oogy is not one of my better movies, but I am cleaning up the clips on my hard drive so I can free up some memory. I could just delete the clips, of course, but somehow I feel compelled to use every scrap! So if you see some strange movies (Hmmm... I guess maybe they are all "strange") that's why.
.................. Trio
He's got my vote.I haven't seen better moves since Jake Blues in the Blues Brothers.And I bet he does his own stunts too.

Will Daryl Oogy win the International Headbanging Cartwheel Competition? ......

............... Trio

Yeah, Lenny!
I like it a lot! You know what I like! Were you using the Karma?
Now I feel like adding a horn part to it. I think Trios Shorts will turn up in a movie.
Haha! It's early in the morning and when I first read your email I thought "What? He did a song about my underwear?"
...................... Trio

Subject: An Fan has sent you an email!
The following message was sent to you from a visitor to your
page on is not responsible for its content.

Hey Trio,

Here's a song that just got approved that I think you'll like.

Hi Lenny,
This is on my list of things to do this week.
............... Trio
----- Original Message ----- From: Lenny Hall Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 9:07 PM To: Trio Quatro Subject: Re: Suggested Paintings for Waiting to Waltz.
The Files are on the disc under Fireworks J-pegs.It's the first Fireworks file on the cd.

Subject: Re: Suggested Paintings for Waiting to Waltz.
Thanks for the list. I haven't checked yet but I assume I can find these on the CD you sent?
....................... Trio
Sounds like a technique that works pretty good.
I can't believe you sold your workstation. I can't bear to part with any of my equipment. I still have everything I ever owned (which isn't much, but it all has good memories).
I have started recording again, but this time with an eye toward the movies instead of mp3dotcom. I put a kitchen timer next to the keyboard and try to compose 40 second songs and stories. Haha! It's a challenge!
......................... Trio

Subject: Re: An Fan has sent you an email!
Hi Trio,
I did that a while ago but was waiting for mp3 to settle down before I put it up.
I used the korg i30 work station.As soon as I heard it back and heard the piano I thought of your music and your shorts.
I've been borrowing the work station for a while now from my friend Bradlee that I sold it to.
While were on the subject let me tell you about how I create some of the music with the o1wfd.
First I start by having the tempo half way and do a track.Then I add tracks maybe two more untill there is a lot going on and it is almost has too much going on.When I'm done I play it back at the slowest or slower tempo and everything has it own charactor and is unique but fits with the total mix.
I use to have a Lowrey keyboard years ago and I use to build my own drum tracks.It had a loop and as you added more drums to the loop it got faster and faster.That gave me some ideas when I got the o1wfd that I use.
Company just came.catch you later.

Subject: Re: An Fan has sent you an email!
Yeah, Lenny!
I like it a lot! You know what I like! Were you using the Karma?
Now I feel like adding a horn part to it. I think Trios Shorts will turn up in a movie.
Haha! It's early in the morning and when I first read your email I thought "What? He did a song about my underwear?"
...................... Trio

Hi Trio,
I did that a while ago but was waiting for mp3 to settle down before I put it up.
I used the korg i30 work station.As soon as I heard it back and heard the piano I thought of your music and your shorts.
I've been borrowing the work station for a while now from my friend Bradlee that I sold it to.
While were on the subject let me tell you about how I create some of the music with the o1wfd.
First I start by having the tempo half way and do a track.Then I add tracks maybe two more untill there is a lot going on and it is almost has too much going on.When I'm done I play it back at the slowest or slower tempo and everything has it own charactor and is unique but fits with the total mix.
I use to have a Lowrey keyboard years ago and I use to build my own drum tracks.It had a loop and as you added more drums to the loop it got faster and faster.That gave me some ideas when I got the o1wfd that I use.
Company just came.catch you later.

Hi Lenny,
It's always good to get good news. Glad to hear that your gig in Lowell is working out. Sounds like fun.
The music in the second part of Daryl Oogy comes from the Sims game. I don't know if you have ever played it or seen it, but there is a radio in it and Oogy Oogy Ooh is one of the songs that play on the radio. None of the songs in the Sims have real words. I think it's so that they can sell the game all over the world. But I took a liking to Oog Oogy Ooh and just had to use it.
Silent Invasion is the first movie using the 30 second sound tracks that I have started recording. I like your description that it has a "different flavor". I want to be like the ice cream store and have 47 different flavors of movie!
I hope the shoot at EVOS is productive and also the Lance Gargoyle Story.
............................. Trio

Hey Trio,
I enjoy the music in Daryl Oogy so much it was running in my head a few days ago.Very catchy esp the last part.
All the current series are out of sight but Silent Invasion really was terrific.I think its the color,shapes and the music.
I think I like the ones where you do the music.This latest one really has a different flavor.I wish I had some of the chops that you do.
How do you get it to snow in April?Put away your shovels in March.It's snowed the last few days.I'll be mowing lawns soon and had a customer from last year call about raking her leaves.I got it half done before it snowed.I do it after work so I usually have one or two hours to spend.I count on what ever side work I get in the good weather to keep me afloat.
Good News.It looks like I'm gonna get that gig at the Coffee House in Lowell.Maybe in two or three weeks.I haven't played out and had the whole night for seven years when I played at a place called Don Juans in Lowell.
I'm planning on doing all easy listening and many songs from the Korg i-30.I went through all the programs today to choose the ones I like the best.I think of them as music for film.
I'm helping Dave do a shoot at EVOS on tuesday.I've been getting together with Matt who I met at the 1 min film fest and Matts gonna start doing some video work for me filming the Lance Gargoyle Story and be there to to get some footage of me and Dave at EVOS.He's got a few ideas I'm helping him with too.
It's almost TV time and I've got to try to respond to more e-mails before the even is done.
I could not agree more with that philosophy. Very good. That's the way I want to be, too.
...................... Trio
Lenny Hall <> wrote:
Hi Trio,
Here's something a friend Bradlee just sent me.He's the guy playing guitar at the end of the Lance Gargoyle Inconpicuous videos.

Subject: FW: Thanks For Your Kind Words!
got this from a fellow eBay-er.
it kinda struck a chord with me.
i thot of you, buddy.
you play the part of Michael.
love you man;
Subject: Thanks For Your Kind Words!

Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.
He is always in a good mood and always has something
positive to say.
When someone would ask him how he was doing, he
would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"
He was a natural motivator.
If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there
telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I
went up to Michael and asked him, "I don't get it! You
can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"
Michael replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to
myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to
be in a good mood or ...
you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in
a good mood.
Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a
victim or....
I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.
Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can
choose to accept their complaining or... I can point
out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.
"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.
"Yes, it is," Michael said. "Life is all about
choices. When you cut away all the junk, every
situation is a choice. You choose how you react to
situations. You choose how people affect your mood.
You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The
bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life."
I reflected on what Michael said. Soon hereafter, I
left the Tower Industry to start my own business. We
lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made
a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several
years later, I heard that Michael was involved in a
serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications tower.
After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care,
Michael was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back.
I saw Michael about six months after the accident.
When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were
any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?"
I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what
had gone through his mind as the accident took place.
"The first thing that went through my mind was the
well-being of my soon to be born daughter, "Michael
replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered
that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I
could choose to die. I chose to live."
"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.
Michael continued, "...the paramedics were great. They
kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they
wheeled me into the ER and I saw The expressions on
the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really
scared. In their eyes, I read "he's a dead man. I knew
I needed to take action."
"What did you do?" I asked.
"Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me.
Said Michael. "She asked if I was allergic to
anything. "Yes, I replied." The doctors and nurses
stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a
deep breath and yelled, "Gravity."
Over their laughter, I told them, "I am choosing to live.
Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead." Michael
lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also
because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him
that everyday we have the choice to live fully.
Attitude, after all, is everything.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34
After all today is the tomorrow you worried about

Hi Trio,
I'm looking forward to the gig.I use to play at another coffee shop in Lowell but it was kinda of a drag cause I just got to play for ten minutes and everyone else played acoustic guitar and did folks songs.A few of the musicians were really good but didn't stop by much after a while.I played there a few times.I've got some footage of a few times I played there but I'll really get to get a lot of footage at The Lowell Coffee House and can play from 9:30 untill 12:00.I should be able to do at least 40 songs.I may do mostly instrumentals but maybe some vocal improv songs if I have enough friends there so I don't freak out the regulars.I'ld love to do a Captain Weirdo Update.If the atmosphere isn't right vocal songs don't feel worth doing.
I put a few shelves up next to my computer and punchie is always lying on the first shelf when I'm at my computer.She just came in.Looks like I'll just be using the top shelf.
It's great to see your first 30 second film.I always enjoy hearing your playing.You must have played a lot at one time to pick up so many chops and runs in many different styles.
Speaking of chops I got a few Demo Cds from Mike Watson with the band he's in IN CASE OF FIRE.It's really interesting stuff.It's seven pieces with 3 guitars.It's interesting listening to the songs and recognizing Mike's playing.I sent him a Multi-Media cd last week.
I went to a Showcase in Watertown at Southwick Studio last week.A showcase is the last class of a workshop where the actors do the scenes or the monologues that they've learned during the class.I got to see a few actors I've done plays with in the past.It was a good time.There isn't going to be a Summer Production this year.Andrea is taking the summer off fo the first time in 8 years.I'm planning on compiling some footage I have of Andrea and the company and talking with some students and making a little tribute film or short series to surprise Andrea at the end of the Summer when we normally have the production.It will be a GOOD opportunity to check in with all the actors I've met and become friends with over the years.There must be at least 40 people.
I'm doing the Action Theater workshop in a few weeks.It's three days.About four hours each day.It's gonna be great seeing Ruth and some other students I haven't see in a few years and getting a refresher course.
I've taken a lot of different improv classes in the past and I have to say that woman who do improv I always find attractive no matter how plain or unappealing they may look.I'm a sucker for a babe that's does improv.Maybe cause improv has that sense of danger that I enjoy in performance.Sometimes it's like jumping out of a plane and hoping the parachute opens.Action Theater isn't as difficult as other improv styles I've taken in the past.
They way your going with these shorts I'm sure you'll easierly pass 47 flavors.I can't believe how far you've come in such a short time and how your movies have evolved so much as you've gone along.
Silent Invasion is really a break through with the graphics but esp with you doing the music.The whole production is outstanding.
I had a lull in my TV time.It's back to the all might tube.I honor you all mighty tube.I honor you.

Subject: Re: Good News
Hi Lenny,
It's always good to get good news. Glad to hear that your gig in Lowell is working out. Sounds like fun.
The music in the second part of Daryl Oogy comes from the Sims game. I don't know if you have ever played it or seen it, but there is a radio in it and Oogy Oogy Ooh is one of the songs that play on the radio. None of the songs in the Sims have real words. I think it's so that they can sell the game all over the world. But I took a liking to Oog Oogy Ooh and just had to use it.
Silent Invasion is the first movie using the 30 second sound tracks that I have started recording. I like your description that it has a "different flavor". I want to be like the ice cream store and have 47 different flavors of movie!
I hope the shoot at EVOS is productive and also the Lance Gargoyle Story.
............................. Trio
Hi Trio,
Here's something a friend Bradlee just sent me.He's the guy playing guitar at the end of the Lance Gargoyle Inconpicuous videos.

Subject: FW: Thanks For Your Kind Words!
got this from a fellow eBay-er.
it kinda struck a chord with me.
i thot of you, buddy.
you play the part of Michael.
love you man;
Itty bitty movie stat at Yahoo
Shortest movie (17sec) ................... Don't Try to Stop Me
Longest movie (56sec) .................... ebay cats
Most praised movie ....................... BirdMan of TowerTown
Most thrilling (whatever "thrill" is!) ... TURNUP
Most erotic movie (in a strange way) ..... X-3
Most violent movie (in usual way) ........ X-3 Dinosaur Planet
Most self-justifying ..................... Why I Make the Litl Movies
Serial adventure ......................... Rogue 1 to 6

Most puzzling ? ... Quite a few
Most likely to be deleted when the Yahoo allotment of filespace
fills up? ... The earliest movies and recent ones like Nero and
Indifferent Phenomena and Daryl Oogy that are too lame to remain.
Hey! Our movies are in San Francisco next week! Ever been there? I spent a summer there many years ago and saw Jimi Hendrix in live concert and Jethro Tull and others and mucho assorted craziness. I checked on the internet recently about apartment rental rates in the San Fran area (thinking I might like to go live there for awhile) and discovered that there is nothing under a thousand a month, not even a one room efficiency! Quite a change from when I was there paying thirty dollars a week for a room in a hotel! Haha!



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