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*New* The Watson/Hall Email Exchange
Check out this great series...[more]
[ 9/24/1999 ] DCLeeMD@aol.com
You guys are really pretty great. Shades of Sun Ra, Miles...[more]
[ 7/15/2000 ] Mike Watson
Hello, Your sampled guitar improvs sound better to me than most real guitars and...[more]
[ 11/13/2000 ] Bud Bennet
Wow man, I dont know who you are, but you are one entertaining dude...[more]
[ 12/01/2000 ] My Email to MP3 Tech Support
I have only one question that I have been asking mp3.com tech support for over four months...[more]
[ 12/13/2000 ] Cortez Bryson
I'm a new artist to MP3.com (about four weeks now)and I would be grateful if...[more]
[ 12/14/2000 ] Cortez Bryson
You're freaking me out! Yes you are! I just want to thank you for being so...[more]
[ 12/20/2000 ] Joseph Benzola
Great selection of music. You and I have many of the same influences including...[more]
[ 1/16/2001 ] Bud Bennet
glad i looked at the invisible theatre page...[more]
[ 2/3/2001 ] Luke Pascall
     Wow you're the virtual creative machine, I listened to...[more]
[ 3/5/2001 ] Rachel Dailey
It's great to see somebody pursuing a dream, and doing what they love...[more]
[ 12/1/2000] Matt
Hey, I just visited your page and played your songs. Your music is awesome!...[more]

Laughing Dervish Broadcasting - My Autobiography in Life

Revolving Audience